Chapter 14

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Author here I just wanted to say thank you for all your support! Over one thousand reads!

Author here I just wanted to say thank you for all your support! Over one thousand reads!

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Izuku: I'm heading out mom. You sure you're going to be fine getting everything ready for this evening?

Inko: Of course sweetie. I'll be fine. This is so going to be so much fun having guests over! Izuku feel free to invite miss Jiro I would love to meet her!

Izuku: Okay mom you got it bye.

At U.A.

Izuku: Hey Kyoka if you're parents are fine with it. You're more than welcome to come have dinner with us. My mom can't wait to meet you.

Kyoka: Haha I had a feeling you'd ask that, so I already asked. They said that would be fine as long as you bring me home so they can meet you.

Izuku: Deal.

Mina: I'm really glad you two are getting together, but how?! Izuku was in denial and you weren't really confident Kyoka. I really want to know! Please tell me the details please!

Momo: I think we all would like to know isn't that right girls?

Toru Tsu and Uraraka: Yeah!

Kyoka: W-well it was just Izuku being Izuku. He was worried about me because you asked him if I was a-attractive. So he wanted to tell me himself that I was pretty.

Izuku: Beautiful.

Kyoka: I-Izuku! A-anyway that gave me the courage to be tell him how I felt.

Mina: Aww that's so sweet!

Momo: I'm so happy for you Kyoka.

Toru: Yeah!

Tsu: So what are your plans now kero?

Kyoka: We're going to take it slow and really get to know each other. Neither one of us thought we'd be able to get in a relationship, so we're kinda going blind. But we're going to meet each other's parents today.

Uraraka: Sounds like a good plan to me.

Mina: Not sure about the slow part if you're already meeting the parents.

Izuku: They have a right to know. Besides we're just having dinner. Nothing crazy.

Toru: If you say so. It's just most people save meeting the parents for last.

Izuku: It'll be fine. Teach you can come in you know you don't have to wait till 8:00 right?

Aizawa: I know, but I don't want to disturb your conversations.

Izuku: You're our teach, if you felt there was something you needed to add or correct go for it. Teaching is your job after all.

Kaminari: Yeah I need all the help I can get!

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