Chapter 33

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At U.A.

Kyoka: let me see your hand Izuku. You've got more scars now.

Izuku: I was already scarred up. A few more doesn't make much difference.

Kyoka: It means you got hurt Izuku. I don't want to see you hurt. You fought Stain so recklessly. If you just used your quirk more you would have won without getting hurt.

Izuku: I know... I'm sorry Kyoka. My larynx has been feeling weird lately. I'm afraid it's giving out. I plan on getting granny to check it out.

Kyoka: Izuku that's serious! We need to go to Recovery Girl right now! Yaomomo I'm taking Izuku to Recovery Girl. Can you let sensai know where we're at?

Momo: Of course Kyoka. Nothing serious is happening is it?

Kyoka: We won't know til Recovery Girl takes a look. Come on Izuku let's go!

At Chiyo's office

Chiyo: You should have come to me as soon as you got back to town Izuku.

Kyoka: Is it serious Recovery Girl?

Chiyo: You can call me Chiyo dear. Izuku has an infection in his larynx.

Izuku: Is it going to make me lose my voice granny?

Chiyo: No dear it isn't that bad of an infection. A round of antibiotics will knock it out. Here let me give you a shot. There let's let that get into your system and I'll use my quirk to speed up your recovery.

Kyoka: So Izuku can still use his quirk right?

Chiyo: Yes as long as he doesn't go overboard he'll be fine.

Izuku: Thanks granny. I was worried I'd lose my quirk.

Chiyo: I wanted to wait til he arrived but you deserve to know. I have a colleague from Germany who's coming in hopes of repairing your larynx if you'll let him.

Izuku: Really?! Someone can fix my larynx?

Chiyo: Yes he should be able to do it. It won't be a quick fix. It'll take some time and several treatments but he should be able to heal you.

Kyoka: That's wonderful Izuku! When will he be here?

Chiyo: He should be here within a week or two. Dr. Rudol von Stroheim is quite the fan of yours Izuku. He's happy to help heal your larynx. We've waited long enough let me use my quirk on you now. How do you feel now?

Izuku: It feels much better now. Thanks granny for everything.

Chiyo: That's what I'm here for. Thank you Kyoka for bringing Izuku to me.

Kyoka: It's no trouble at all Chiyo. Thanks for making Izuku better and giving him some hope.

Chiyo: Your welcome dear. You two best run along before Aizawa starts to worry.

Kyoka: Alright let's go Izuku.

Izuku: Sure thing.

Aizawa: You're back. Is Izuku okay Kyoka?

Kyoka: He had an infection but Chiyo took care of it. We got some good news We'll tell you about later.

Aizawa: I look forward to hearing some good news. You haven't missed much go ahead and take your seats.

At lunch

Mina: That's so cool! You actually got to fight some villains!

Kyoka: I didn't get to fight myself. I was in charge of Gang Orcas men. They did all the work.

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