Chapter 10

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Author notes
Hello I wanted to say how sorry I am, for how long it took to get this chapter out. I won't dump on you, but these last few weeks have been hectic. I hope things will start to calm down and I'll get more time to work on my story. Now that the apology is out of the way YAY 10 chapters! Double digits baby! I'm really happy I kept this going so long. I've read a lot of good stories on Wattpad that never make the tenth chapter mark. Thank you for all your support as all ways and I hope you enjoy this chapter! Til next time bye.

Inko: You look so handsome in your U.A. uniform sweetie.

Izuku: Thanks mom.

Inko: I made cookies for you and your new classmates dear.

Izuku: D-do I have to share?

Inko: I made plenty Izuku there's enough for everyone.

Izuku: B-but there would be even more for me if I ate all of them.

Inko: Izuku sweetie you're going to make some friends at U.A. I just know they'll see how wonderful you are. I know you don't have much experience with friends but friends share with each other, this'll be good for you. And if you do this I may be tempted to cook a batch just for you.

Izuku: Fine but if anybody wastes your cookies I'm wasting them.

Inko: Izuku that's counterproductive to making friends. Please try to get along with your classmates.

Izuku: I'll try but how I act depends if they can adapt to me.

Inko: You trying is all I ask sweetie. I'm not asking you to change. I just want you to be happy.

Izuku: I know mom. Well if I'm going to give out all this cookies I better get going. Have a good day at work mom.

Inko: I will sweetie you have a good first day at school too.

Izuku: okay mom.
Once Izuku arrived at U.A. he found the hero course first year classrooms, and placed a bag of cookies on each student's desk, and the teachers desk. Then he found his own desk, took his seat and started eating his own cookies. Iida was the second student to arrive. He was surprised that someone beat him to class. It didn't take Iida long to notice the cookies on all the desks. He had to hold himself back from fussing on Izuku for eating in the classroom. Iida made his way to his desk meekly and sat down. After a few minutes more students began to arrive.

Toru: Oh wow! Someone gave us all cookies! They look amazing!

Mina: Mmm they're delicious! Definitely homemade you can't buy cookies this good!

Tokoyami: Someone knows dark forgotten baking arts that enthralls the soul.

Dark Shadow: This are great! Give me more Fumikage!

Uraraka: Mmm I can't believe someone would give away something so tasty!

Iida: Miss Uraraka can I have a moment of your time please?

Uraraka: Um sure uh?

Iida: Tenya Iida. I wanted to apologize for my shameful behavior. I was one of the participants who ignored you in your time of need, loath as I am too admit it. Please accept my humble apologies, and this bag of cookies.

Uraraka: Well there was a giant robot coming. Running away is what any normal person would do. So don't worry about it, everything worked out in the end. I'll gladly take more cookies, but their delicious are you sure?

Iida: I can tell they are by how everyone's enjoying them, but I don't deserve them. I would much rather give them to you as an apology.

Uraraka: Ok thanks Iida! I just know we'll be good friends!

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