Chapter 32

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Izuku: Good luck with Gang Orca Kyoka.

Kyoka: Thanks you have fun with Aizawa.

Izuku: I will stay safe.
Izuku gave Kyoka a loving hug.

Kyoka: You too.
Kyoka returned the hug with a kiss.

Aizawa: Are you ready to go Izuku?

Izuku: Yeah I'm ready teach.

Aizawa: We'll head to Hosu then. Izuku I give you my permission to use your quirk during our internship. You'll need it in case we find Stain.

Izuku: Thanks teach.

Aizawa: Izuku you do realize if we take stain down Iida won't react well towards you?

Izuku: Yeah I know, but I still want to do this. It's in Iida's best interest to get this behind him.

Aizawa: You're a good class president and friend Izuku. Let's go.

In Hosu.

Aizawa: Hear anything Zebra?

Izuku: Yeah a couple of thugs are planning to rob a convenience store. No luck on Stain though.

Aizawa: We may have to wait until Stain attacks someone. Let's go stop those thieves.

Thug 1: Nobody move this is a robbery!

Thug 2: Put your valuables in the bag now!

Thug 3: Hurry up before a hero shows up! Ah!
Eraser Head's capture cloth wrapped around the the thug. With a strong pull Eraser Head swung the thug into the other two.

Izuku: Save some fun for me Eraser Head.
Izuku quickly grabs the two free thugs and smashes their heads into each other knocking them out. Eraser Head then knocks out the last thug.

Aizawa: Good job Zebra.
Endeavor suddenly arrives and shortly after his sidekicks and Shoto.

Enji: I didn't think anyone would beat us here. Oh Eraser Head and... Midoriya.

Eraser Head: What brings you here Endeavor?

Enji: We're looking for Stain. If he keeps to his pattern he'll attack another hero again. I want to catch him before he moves to another city. I've got to be a prime target for his purge.

Aizawa: Using yourself as bait. That's a good plan as long as your sidekicks don't scare him away.

Enji: If he's as fanatical as they say he shouldn't be able to resist attacking me.

Izuku: Hey Shoto everything all right?

Shoto: Yes everything's fine. Thanks for asking. I chose to intern with Endeavor.

Izuku: That's good.

Endeavor: So what brings you here Eraser Head?

Aizawa: Same as you. We're looking for Stain. One of our students family members was attacked by Stain. Vengeance is on his mind, and we want to keep him from getting killed.

Enji: I see. What's your plan for finding Stain?

Aizawa: Zebra's ears. If he's in the city Zebra will hear him. He won't be able to get away once that happens. And we're not All Might he could come to us just like you.

Shoto: I've been wondering Zebra how far can you hear?

Izuku: I can hear a coin drop dozens of kilometers away. It's kind of a headache.

Shoto, Aizawa and Enji:...

Enji: Midoriya I owe you an apology. I was out of line. Thank you for showing me that.

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