Chapter 21

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USJ part 2

Nezu: I want to thank all of you for being here today. With your help I trust we can capture all of the villains who would endanger our students.

Hawks: No problem Nezu, have you found out any new information?

Nezu: Sadly no, there just wasn't enough time to investigate, at least without giving us away.

Endeavor: Where's All Might? Isn't he supposed to be there target?

Yoigado: Villain activity was unnaturally high around U.A., All Might didn't have a choice but to deal with it. He'll be running late.

Endeavor: Want that ruin this ambush?

Yoigado: How are you the number two hero? The villains are behind the increased activity! Use your head for crying out loud! There trying to tire him out before he gets here!

Nezu: I'm afraid that's most likely the case. Even with Kamui Woods and Mt. Lady patrolling the same area, All Might is being swamped with work. It's unnatural for so many villains to cause trouble near U.A.. Unfortunately we're having to keep staff here to protect the rest of the students. I have confidence that you all will still succeed. I await good news goodbye.

Mirko: Worthless cowards! So are we going to have to sit around doing nothing til All Might gets here?

Yoigado: That would be the best thing, but I don't believe we'll be that lucky. There putting a lot of effort in weakening All Might. Why stop with his physical state?

Edgeshot: You think they'll try to kill the students, so All Might can't think straight?

Yoigado: If they really thought this through then yes, that's what I think they'll do. Thirteen should be at the USJ soon. Bird boy go get us a sky view, and don't forget to stay in the clouds and report regularly via radio.

Hawks: You got it Yoigado!
Hawks flew into the sky to keep an eye on things.

Ryukyu: Do you want me to go as well?

Yoigado: Believe me when I say I'd love a second pair of eyes keeping watch, but a giant dragon flying isn't exactly stealthy. We sadly have our hands tied, I hate how far away we are too. This only works in our favor if they don't know we know.

Gang Orca: Several civilians already know, I understand why we needed to tell them of course, but it doesn't change the fact it increases the odds for a leak.

Best Jeanist: I don't see any of the parents intentionally putting their children in danger, but we can't even be sure if the kids have kept quiet.

Yoigado: Nerve wrecking isn't it? All we can do is react the best way to the given situation. And my guts telling me this is going to be a pain.

Hawks: I can see the bus now, so far so good. Thirteen is giving them a speech, okay! They're going inside! Keep an eye on the signal on Aizawa's tracker, if we loss signal they cut all communications! It'll be go time then!

Yoigado: Understood! Signals gone! Move out!
Ichigo Yoigado's authority is unique. His father was a police officer, and his mother a judge. Both parents wanted Yoigado to follow in their footsteps, and Yoigado did not disappoint either one of his parents. Yoigado took law school in addition to his police academy training. He's a legally licensed lawyer and judge. Yoigado always believed in doing everything your capable of, because of this Yoigado took a college hero course program and acquired his own hero license. The only reason he did this was he believed having access to his quirk would allow him to help keep civilians and his men safe. Yoigado's quirk is called damage transfer, it allows him to transfer any damage he sees to himself, once he has the damage he can than transfer it to someone else he sees. He can control how much of the damage he transfers, Yoigado rarely takes 100% of any given attack. The drawbacks are he feels the full pain of the damage taking it, and giving it, that means he feels the same attack twice. It wears down the user quickly. Because of all the authority Yoigado has, he often bypass's others. If he needs a search warrant he writes his own and authorizes it. This has given him quite the reputation as a wild gun. Yoigado was the one most surprised when he was offered to start his own police station. True to his nature when it was time to choose which district he would work in he chose all of Japan. His men under him hold him in great respect. His leadership has allowed his men to capture villains themselves. They're out fitted more like swat or a military squad then regular police. For close encounters they have a shock baton with enough voltage to stun villains twice the size of the average normal human. Their handed live and rubber ammo so regardless of the situation they can use their guns. Aside from their handguns they also choose between a shotgun or assault rifle. Yoigado also has two snipers under his command. A brilliant strategist Yoigado is one of the few people willing to play a game of chess or shogi with Nezu, and have a chance to win. He's well respected in both the hero and police worlds. Both are happy to be under his watch. He never picked a hero name for himself, but his men named him Sentinel.

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