Chapter 13

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Recovery Girl: There you are Toshi! What the hell were you thinking! Izuku nearly lost his arm because of you!

Yagi: Master I'm so sorry. I failed you. It's my fault you're dead! You should have picked a better successor.

Recovery Girl: Toshi?

Nezu: He's been this way since he's got here.

Aizawa: What's wrong with him?

Recovery Girl: If I had to guess maybe a PTSD attack.

Aizawa: He had that same look in his eyes, when he was fighting Izuku.

Recovery Girl: Jiro mentioned Paragon. Did Izuku bring her up?

Aizawa: Yes. He said see was his favorite hero, and All Might killed her.

Recovery Girl: Toshi has injuries where his missing organs were.

Aizawa: Izuku was making a point that Yagi didn't train properly when he challenged Paragon's killer. The last blow was to Yagi's scar.

Nezu: It looks like Toshi had a PTSD attack, and thought Midoriya was All For One.

Aizawa: Izuku did say he was going to see how weak Yagi was physically and mentally.

Recovery Girl: Well he broke Toshi. We need to get him to calm down, so we can talk to him. Toshi calm down already it me Chiyo.

Yagi: Master it should have been me. Why *WHACK* Ooowww Chiyo is that you? W-what happened?

Recovery Girl: Yes you oaf it's me. You were having a PTSD attack. Have you calmed down enough for us to talk?

Yagi: Y-yes I Think so.

Recovery Girl: Good. *WHACK*

Yagi: Argh Chiyo what was that for?!

Recovery Girl: For nearly killing your whole class! Izuku nearly lost his arm deflecting your blow!

Yagi: Oh God! What have I done! Chiyo p-please please tell me Midoriya's going to be fine please!

Recovery Girl: He had to have surgery, but he's alive. Has a nasty new scar on his arm though.

Nezu: Can you tell us the specifics of his surgery?

Recovery Girl: I can. The skin was peeled off just hanging on. His muscles were torn especially his flexor and pronator muscles. His radius and ulna were cracked. Worse you could see the bones directly. I was able to reattach the muscles, and I don't believe he'll have any loss of movement or control. I used my quirk to speed up his healing after I got everything patched up. I am worried though. He has to have nerve damage. He was too calm and he just looked like he was having mild pain. He shouldn't have been able to move with that kind of an injury.

Aizawa: I might have the answer to that. I was watching him during lunch. To make sure if anybody ticked him off I could at least keep him from using his quirk. Apparently Izuku's enhanced hearing keeps him in a state of sensory overload. Hearing is the only sense that works properly. As far as taste goes. He can just barely taste Lunch Rush's food. If it's not delicious he can't taste anything at all. I don't know how it affects his other senses though.

Recovery Girl: That's horrible. Lunch Rush's food is probably close to four stars. His other senses are probably in a similar state.

Nezu: Wouldn't that make him nearly blind?

Recovery Girl: Most likely I'm afraid. He's probably using his hearing to compensate.

Nezu: I'll talk to Lunch Rush about this. I'll see if we can get some higher quality ingredients, at least for Midoriya.

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