Chapter 15

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Izuku: Sorry for the wait teach. Are you ready to go?

Aizawa: Yes I'm ready. So you're coming to Jiro?

Kyoka: Yep! Izuku invited me over and my parents said I could go. Which way are we going Izuku?

Izuku: Just follow me and I'll get you there.

Kyoka: So you don't take this train station Izuku?

Izuku: You could, but I prefer to walk. I got two good legs might as well use-em you know.

Kyoka: Don't you get tired walking everywhere?

Izuku: Not really. I've done it for so long it's just natural. Besides heroes don't typically drive around. It just made sense to me to go ahead and get used to it.

Kyoka: Geez you really have a way to make me feel like I haven't taken being a hero seriously.

Izuku: Hey don't say that. You're taking being a hero real serious. Isn't that right teach? Besides I'm not really a average case.

Aizawa: Izuku's right Jiro. You're doing fine. Even I'd feel inadequate if I compared my U.A. Years to Izuku. I took becoming a hero very serious, but I never prepared as much as Izuku.

Izuku: You're at U.A. to learn, and get all the training you need. There's nothing wrong with that it's normal.

Kyoka: Thanks you always know what to say Izuku. And thank you to sensai.

Aizawa: Don't mention it. That's why I'm a teacher. To help my students when there down or confused.

Aizawa: Izuku we've been walking for hours when do you wake up to get to class first?

Izuku: We're almost there. See that fenced driveway? That leads straight to my house. To answer your question though I usually get up around six. That gives me enough time to fix breakfast and get ready. I normally run instead of walking. I didn't want to tire you two out trying to keep up. Plus I don't want to make mom rush her cooking.

Kyoka: Well I'm still beat, so thanks I don't think I would have made it.

Izuku: I'm sure you could have. Well there's my house.

Kyoka: It's huge! Yaomomo's house is bigger but still! I thought you said you weren't rich?

Izuku: I'm not rich. Rich people have other people do all the work. They get to sat around and relax while they make money. I worked hard for every single yen I've earned.

Aizawa: ... That's one way of looking at it but I'd keep that to yourself.

Kyoka: Yeah you'd probably hurt Yaomomo's feelings if she heard that.

Izuku: That's why I never explained why I wasn't rich at school. Anyways we keep building on to our house. Always expanding the food storage and kitchen. I think it's about time we do it again. If we're going to keep having company over we'll need to have some guest rooms built.

Kyoka: Wait your house is that big and you don't have any guest rooms?! How?!

Izuku: Hahaha our homes built for someone my size. If you take that into consideration it's not that big. It's got a lot of customizations. Take a look at the front door.

Kyoka: It's huge you wouldn't have any trouble going through it. Huh it has two doorknobs?

Izuku: Yep one's at a comfortable height for me. The other one for my mom and anyone else.

Aizawa: There's only one lock.

Izuku: Both doorknobs are connected. You honestly could call it one doorknob. There's only one lock and when you turn one knob they both turn. See. Come on in. Mom I'm home! And I've brought company!

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