Chapter 2

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An adorable little child can be seen playing at a park. He has green hair and four freckles in a diamond shape underneath both his eyes. His name is Izuku Midoriya. He's shorter than the other four year old children standing only thirty two inches instead of the average forty inches. He also looks frailer then the other children. This is because his body doesn't have any fat cells. Despite this he's clearly far more active running around the park. Climbing the little rock wall to get to the slide instead of the stairs. Swinging higher than the other children by himself. He even can cross the monkey bars that older children have trouble with. All the while singing in an angelic voice pronouncing words properly. What looks like  simply a child having fun and giving it his all is actually training. Izuku already knows what he wants to be a hero. A hero like Paragon or Nana Shimura by her civilian name. Though an older hero who died in the line of duty her passion and love for every one touched Izuku's heart. Being willing to die to save someone a true hero by all means. You may wonder how a four year old would know about a former hero when all the other children and adults are obsessed with All-Might the current number one hero. The answers really simple Izuku has enhanced hearing. Paragon was the old number one pro hero, and as great as All Might is there will always be people who preferred the former hero. Grandpa's and other elderly folk love to sit at the park and talk about the good old days and of course the old heroes. Enhanced hearing is apart of Izuku's quirk to fully control the sound of his voice. That's why he's constantly singing to train his quirk many would consider weak. It's also why his speech is obviously ahead of the other children. He also wants to be a hero like his mom. She doesn't wear a costume and go around saving people, but to Izuku she's the real deal. Constantly hearing far more than anyone should since birth has bombarded Izuku with information making him smarter and more mature than the other children. He's well aware that his father left him and his mom. He knows the sacrifices his mother has made to raise him. For instance Inko wanted to become a nurse, but couldn't afford the schooling and pay for the absurd amount of food they go through. Izuku is malnourished because of his quirk changing his body in the womb. Even after being born the food he needs is honesty more than they can afford. Malnutrition is why Izuku is smaller than the other children. Inko doesn't ever complain about the bills or having to work several poor paying jobs to make ends meet, but Izuku wants to help her. Being a hero pays well and Izuku could easily support his mom but there several problems with that plan. First of all Izuku wants to be a hero to help people not make money. He has a distaste for heroes that are only in it for the money. Plus he'd have to be at least eighteen to become one that's too long to wait to help his mom.Two despite the drawbacks from his quirk it's currently useless for battle and debatable for rescue work. What are the drawbacks you ask? Whenever Izuku uses his quirk he burns calories accordingly to the action. Even just making his voice angelic and perfect for a song burns calories similar to a workout add the fact he's malnourished and can't afford enough food to fix that issue puts him in a downward spiral. His quirk makes him store calories vitamins and minerals in his muscles and bones only time and proper nutrition can help his bones, but his muscles are a different story. Exercise can increase his muscles mass increasing how many calories he can store to use his quirk, and give him a means to fight if he can't find away to fight with his quirk. Izuku's learned how to throw his voice. He'll often talk to his mom in another room thanks to that and his enhanced hearing. Those two together give him a shot as a support hero giving intel to other heroes or the police, but that's not the kind of hero Izuku wants to be. He wants to be on the frontlines making a difference ready to give everything he can give just like Paragon. Izuku already helps his mom around the house. Cleaning everything he can get to. Washing the dishes and making simple meals for his mom. Izuku has a strong sense of justice whenever he sees someone being bullied he's right there to help them. He may be smaller than the other kids but he never backs down. That and the fact he knows how to throw a real punch with far more power than his size would suggest most bully's don't mess with anyone if Izuku is around most.

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