Chapter 18

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Kyoka: Thanks for having me over Izuku, and helping me learn how to cook.

Izuku: No problem at all Kyoka. Besides you're always welcome here, and if there's anything I can do to help you just ask.

Kyoka: You got it! I'll be taking you up on that offer! We're not going to be in Uraraka's parents way will we?

Izuku: No we're fine. There working on the guest rooms today. So the kitchen is ours today!

After a few hours

Kyoka: Okay! I have a good feeling about this one! Can you taste it?

Izuku: I sure can! Great job Kyoka! Your awesome as always!

Kyoka: Heh heh Thanks Izuku. I couldn't have done it without you. Sorry I wasted so much of your food learning how to cook.

Izuku: I ate everything you made Kyoka, and I enjoyed spending time with you. You didn't waste anything.

Kyoka: *giggles* I enjoyed it too. We should keep doing this from time to time.

Izuku: Sure I l'd love that!
Suddenly Kyoka's phone started ringing.

Kyoka: Huh I wonder who that is? Oh it's Yaomomo! Hey Yaomomo what's up? Huh you need Izuku's help? What's wrong? What?! Why'd Hayato do that? Okay let me put you on speaker.

Izuku: Hey Yaoyorozu So your brothers locked himself up and won't come out?

Momo: Ah you heard Then good that saves some time. Yes he has.

Izuku: I could bust the door down but surely you already have some burly guards who could?

Momo: What no! That's not why I need you Midoriya! Your a QMMAF fighter I want you to tell my brother about his favorite fighter! That will hopefully calm him down where he'll come out. Then I'd like you to help him with his quirk.

Izuku: Oh okay yeah I can do that too. But I need to know the fighters name first.

Momo: Right his name is Zebra do you know him?

Izuku: Zebra ha! Yeah I know him real well! Tell your brother I'll be there soon with some Zebra gifts you can't find anywhere! Hell I'll even bring him a autograph!

Momo: That sounds like a tall order. But I know you wouldn't offer if you couldn't do it. I'll let him know thank you so much Midoriya!

Izuku: No problem Kyoka knows how to get to you right?

Kyoka: I sure do! Don't worry I'll get us there in no time!

Izuku: Great! Oh yeah Yaoyorozu please tell your guards what I look and sound like. I don't want to have to deal with that.

Momo: Of course I'll make sure they don't cause you any grief.

Izuku: Thanks see you soon then bye.

Momo: Goodbye.

Kyoka: Did you really think she wanted you to bust a door down Izuku?

Izuku: Wouldn't be the first time someone needed me for that. I already have everything we need to take here at home. Give me a couple minutes to gather it all up. Okay I got it all!

Kyoka: That's a lot of trophies. Wait a minute?! Are you Zebra?!

Izuku: Hahaha Yep that's me! Well let's go can't keep a fan waiting! I'll grab my jacket on the way out.
Izuku put on a large red leather jacket with green feathers on the collar.

Kyoka: Hahaha that jacket really fits you Izuku! It looks like something a hero would wear!

Izuku: Hahaha I never thought about it, but I guess you're right. Maybe I should let whoever's making my costume see it.

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