The Stakeout

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Eri was crammed in the backseat of the jeep with Bolin, wishing she had Ayano to fly her where they needed to go. As time was passing, more and more she hoped her blue dragon was okay.

They were entering a city they'd hoped Aiwei had been. The heat from the desert and Bolin was almost too much for her, and she was a fire bender for spirit's sake. 

"Aiwei has definitely been here," Korra called back to the group as they came to a stop. She pet Naga, "Nice tracking girl." 

"Let's ask around. See if anyone's seen them," Mako said looking to the pub at the end of the street. 

Eri couldn't get out of the jeep fast enough and scrambled to the building, hoping she could get some water. She was still feeling tired and weak although she didn't want Team Avatar to notice. She needed to be there for this, and more importantly they needed her. 

As she walked towards the bar Bolin's voice made her stop and turn to the others, "Ooh look! They have a mover poster of me! I should go over and say hello."

Mako grabbed her brother's shoulder, "No. Those are wanted posters. They have one for each of us. Wanted by her majesty for crimes against her kingdom. I guess that's because we stole her air benders?"

Eri's eyebrows shot up, "Hold up, there's not one for me. What do you mean you stole air benders? How do you even steal people from a queen?"

"It's a long story," Korra said, anger beginning to burn in her eyes, "And besides! They weren't her's to keep! I swear if I ever see her pinchy little face again I'll-"

"Uh, guys," Asami said pointing to the bar, "We should get out of here."

"Ugh, now you've done it. Now I'm associated with you!" Eri cried out as Mako dragged her out of the bar. All she wanted was a lousy glass of water.


They were back on the road, Eri had bullied her way into the front seat making Mako be crammed in the back. He wasn't happy about it but also didn't talk back as much as she'd expected. 

They turned a sharp corner then Naga stopped, "She's found something!" Korra yelled hopping out of the saddle. She moved a boulder revealing a deserted jeep. "Good job girl. Oh, I forgot to bring treats."

Naga looked upset as the others made their way to investigate the jeep. 

"This must be Aiwei's jeep," Asami said as they walked up to it. 

"Bolin, Eri, and I will investigate the city and see if he's holed up there," Mako looked out to the massive city below them. Eri was frowning at the thought of searching the city but her eyes lit up at the thought of finally getting some water. 

"Yes! I love it when you talk like a cop," Bolin said excitedly.

Eri looked to Mako, "You're a cop?"

"Uh, yeah," Mako said rubbing his neck. "That okay?"

"Don't know why it would matter," Eri chuckled but seeing the frown on his face she added quickly, "But yeah, it's more than okay."

Eri missed the subtle look between Asami and Korra as they watched the two firebenders speaking. 

"I'm coming too," Korra said looking defiantly at Mako.

"No, you and Asami wait here in case he comes back. Besides, we don't want to call too much attention to ourselves." Korra nodded in agreement with Mako's words.

"OOOH! Mako, Mako, Mako," Bolin butted in, "We should wear disguises and pretend we're going undercover! That way, no one will recognize us. Haha! Police work is so exciting!"

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