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"What do you think it'll be like to see her again?" Eri sat at the table while Mako stood to show the girls where they were sitting.

"I'm sure it'll be fine. Might be a little awkward... but I'm sure it'll be fine," Mako smiled at his fiance.

"Mako!" Korra's voice called out. Eri stood to meet the girl. "Eri! Spirits I've missed you guys."

The three of them hugged and Prince Wu rose in between them, "Hello there, Prince Wu, rightful heir to the throne and this guy's boss. I bet he's told you a lot about me."

Eri couldn't hold back the eyeroll. She was so over this guy.

"Nope, not a thing," Korra sounded annoyed, and rightfully so.

Wu led Korra to the table, "Then we have so much to talk about. You are going to love the food here. I know the chef personally."

The waiter came to the table and Wu began to order for the group, making Eri even more annoyed. He was already trying to steal Mako away and now her time with Korra. Mako has got to get a new job, she thought to herself.

"I thought it was just the four of us," Asami said under her breath. Eri looked to Mako to explain. He was on his own for this one.

"Sorry, couldn't ditch him," Mako groaned. "He promised to be on his best behavior."

"Pop into the Avatar state for me, I want to see your eyes glow!" Wu said getting in Korra's face.

Korra backed away from him, "What? No."

"So, can you go into the Avatar state again? I was worried when you told me you couldn't," Asami questioned.

Eri knew about their letters but Mako didn't. She placed a comforting hand on Mako's but it didn't seem to help.

"Wait... when did she tell you she couldn't?" Mako looked to the girls. "What's going on?"

"I wrote to Asami while I was away," Korra looked down. "I asked her not to tell you guys. I'm sorry."

"Why didn't you ever write to us? Or Bolin?" Mako sounded disappointed. They'd all been so close at one point.

"It's okay Korra-" Eri began. She knew the pressures she was under just to get better.

"I don't know. I guess I just didn't know what to say," Korra sounded genuinely sorry.

"A hello would've been nice," Mako leaned back with a frown.

Eri squeezed his hand again, "We were fine Korra. We missed you and were worried but we understand. It wasn't an easy few years for you. I wish you would've written once though. Just so we would've known you were okay."

"If it makes you feel any better, she didn't write to me either," Wu added unhelpfully.

Eri knitted her eyebrows, "Why would she..."

"Nevermind," Mako turned away from the group.

"I'm sorry I didn't stay in touch, but I'm back now and I want to know everything about what's been going on with you three." Korra looked to Asami and Eri.

"Well I guess we all have our own big news," Asami smiled. "Eri and Mako's is pretty exciting."

Eri blushed, "We're engaged!"

"What- oh wow." Korra seemed bummed and shocked at the same time. "I'm sorry I wasn't here for that. I barely even knew you guys were together."

"You would if you'd written," Mako frowned.

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