Prison Break

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The ride was freezing. Eri was grateful for her warm jacket and the fire in her blood, but even with both those things she was worried she'd never have use of her fingers ever again. The relief she felt when she saw the icy city below her was incredible. How the water benders lived in such a freezing world amazed her, mostly because she would never even consider that an option for herself. She felt a pang of sympathy for P'Li but it was short lived. Remember what she did to you.

Eri shook the thought from her mind as Aryano made the gentle landing next to Druk. "Spirits I'm ready for some tea." Eri told Zuko with a smile.

Zuko frowned, "I don't think we'll have some for awhile. We've got to rush to the prison once we get the twins and Tonraq-"

"Just the twins! I'm here, it's good to see you old friend." Tonraq walked towards the fire benders with a sad smile. 

Zuko jumped at his voice, "How did you know we were here so quick?"

Tonraq gestured to the dragons, "Not exactly subtle Zuko." Eri let out a laugh as the two men led the way to the ice palace, catching up all the way.


The twins jumped at the idea of visiting the prison. To Eri it sounded like the Northern Water Tribe had been rather boring for them.

"Have you decided upon a mate yet?" Desna whispered in Eri's ear as they went down the elevator.

"Um, no." Eri shifted away from Desna smoothly placing Zuko between her and Desna.

"This is the perfect prison for P'Li. The temperatures down here make it impossible for her to bend," Zuko stated, attempting to ease the awkward air around them.

"Sounds like it's impenetrable to me," Eska said.

"That's what we thought about the other three. Don't underestimate them," Eri growled. She hated the Red Lotus, but she was also terrified of them. She had seen their power first hand as a child and never wanted to be that helpless ever again. Zuko had trained her thoroughly, he had said on multiple occasions there was nothing more he could teach her even if he wanted to for he too was worried she wouldn't be ready when the time came to face the Red Lotus. 

The elevator doors slammed open and Tonraq led the group towards the locked gate. The five of them crossed the metal bridge to see P'Li's face partially shrouded in the darkness of her cell.

"Something must've happened, nothing this exciting has happened in the last 13 years," P'Li stated. "Eri, what a pleasure it is to see you again my dear. My how you've grown."

"You don't get to speak to her," Zuko growled.

"What're you gonna do? Shoot fire at me? I think you've forgotten where we are." P'Li smirked.

"We're leaving." Zuko turned and led the group away once more. Eri hesitated and looked at the combustion bender for a moment more.

"Miss me? I've thought about you every day Eri, it's a shame you never visited." P'Li said, obviously trying to get a rise from the girl.

Eri said nothing, not willing to give her the satisfaction, and left with the others. 


As soon as they left the prison Zuko offered to take Druk to survey the land for Zaheer. Eri offered to help him but he made her stay behind stating that Tonraq may need her help. The twin's stares were so intense she decided she'd have to talk to Tonraq to at least attempt to ignore them.

"So... how's Korra doing?" she asked pulling the sleeve on her jacket down a little further.

Tonraq shrugged, "Don't hear from her much. I'm assuming good. She's helping rebuild the Air Nomads. I'm so proud of her."

Eri couldn't help the pang of jealousy in her heart, how she wished to have the loving relationship with her parents the way Korra did, "How wonderful. I hope to see her again soon, it's been too long."

"Well once this is all over you should visit her and the rest of team Avatar, I can't imagine they'd say no to the company of one of the strongest fire benders the world has ever seen." 

Eri pushed him lightly with her shoulder, "You flatter me, we both know that's not true."

"Yeah, you're right. Blue flames show nothing about your strength and abilities, you're right." Tonraq deadpanned.

"Shh! The twins don't know about that. Spirits Tonraq," Eri warned. Her flames weren't something she was proud of, she tried to stick to bending lightning as often as possible due to the stigma that came with the blue flames. She didn't need everyone thinking she was going to go crazy in the years to come.

Before he could respond Zuko landed next to them, "All I found was that snowstorm."

Tonraq looked to the storm and frowned, "That's not a storm. That's Zaheer."

Eri couldn't hold in the shiver that ran down her spine. She was mere seconds from facing him and the others. She had truly hoped this day would never come. 

The benders got into a fighting stance, ready for the incoming attack. Tired of waiting, Eri shot a bolt of lightning towards the center of the storm. She gave it all the power she could, unable to hold herself back from the fear she was feeling. 

Zuko gave her a warning glance, the size of the bolt was dangerous, to both her and those around them. Eri shrugged apologetically and turned to fight the airbender that shot towards her.

"Well, well, I can't believe I'm seeing you again little flame," Zaheer said, fondness in his voice.

Eri shot another bolt of lighting his way, "Give up now while you can Zaheer."

"Well, that's disappointing, I was hoping for more from you little flame. I can't wait to finish what I started all those years ago," he shot a ball of air at the girl but she easily dodged it, sending her own wave of flames at him in the same movement. 

"Still blue huh?" Zaheer flashed her a smile. Before she could respond, Eri was slammed by a massive boulder, her attention grabbed by Ghazan.

"Little flame! Wow time has passed, look how gorgeous you are now. Besides that uh-mishap on your face that is," Ghazan laughed.

Eri couldn't help the frustration that bubbled within her. She punch ball of flame after ball of flame at the earth bender. She stopped only when her fists were frozen by an attack by Ming Hua.

"You're all alone my dear," P'Li's voice surprised Eri. She was free. 

Eri looked around, the twins were stuck in pillars of ice, Zuko and Tonraq laid on the ice unconscious. "Come with us an we won't kill them," Zaheer said triumphantly.

"Never," Eri spun, bending flames in one hand and lighting in the other, creating a deadly vortex of flames and sparks. The outlaws evaded her attack and sent a barrage of elements her way. An explosion to her left blew her to the ground. Groaning she forced her way to her feet again, pushing her feet into the snow she held her fighting stance.

"You sure have your mother's tenacity I'll give you that," Zaheer's voice made her seethe. Before she could respond she felt a sharp pin prick pain in her calf. She looked down and saw a dart sticking out. 

"No," she whispered. She tried to fight the immediate exhaustion but was failing. She stumbled backward, falling on her back with a grunt. She looked to her left and saw Zuko starting to gain consciousness.

"That's our cue! Let's go little flame," Ghazan lifted the girl from the ground. She was internally screaming to her arms and legs to attack him. For her bending to release it's fury at him, but nothing. Her eye lids closed and she no longer had the strength to open them again. Before she was lost completely to the dark she heard Zuko's voice desperately call out her name. 

I'm sorry Zuko. Was the last thought that went through her mind. 

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