Leaving the Fire Nation

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The moon shone down onto the courtyard where Eri was sitting. She was taking in all the serenity the garden had to offer. Often her thoughts would pull her deep into the evening without her noticing. Tonight they were held on the idea of returning to Republic City.

Zuko had kept his promise and her job as the Minister of Peaceful Relations stood. She was to be the Republic City advisor for the crown. Her apartment was already purchased, furnished and because it was at the top of the building the roof had been converted into a massive ecosystem for Ayano. Zuko had been busy while she was away.

Eri's thoughts moved to Mako. Once they returned home he'd go back to working the force and she'd be busy with her own duties. Would they still find time for each other? The thought was a heavy one for her. Their time traveling had been needed, and in her opinion much deserved. Now, the thought of leaving the freeing life they'd had for so long left her anxious.

She felt a hand gently move her hair from the side of her neck leaving it exposed to the soft breeze.

A gentle kiss snuck its way onto her skin. A touch so soft she barely felt it. She sighed and leaned back into the familiar man behind her.

"What'a on your mind?" He whispered into her neck as he found his spot on the seat behind her.

"Will we be okay?" She asked softly.

"What do you mean? Is everything okay with you?" Mako wasn't sure what she meant by her comment.

Eri leaned her head back into the crook of his neck, "When we go home, and things go back to a.. normal routine. Will we be okay?

Mako pressed a kiss against her head, "Of course we will. I've been looking forward to it; you and me making our own world within Republic City."

"Will we even have time for that? Between both of our jobs I'm sure we'll be busy," Eri frowned at the thought.

"We'll make time, we can take lunches together and you can come over for dinner-"

Eri cut him off, "Move in with me."

"What?" Mako was shocked.

"I want you to live with me. If we're going to be busy all day, I want to know we'll at least have each other in the evenings. There's plenty of room at the apartment." Eri paused, "Only if you want to.."

Mako jumped up, pulling Eri with her and spun her around, "Are you serious?"

Eri laughed, "Of course I am, I want to know you'll be home with me at the end of the day."

"What will Zuko think?" Mako asked, "or the entirety of the Press? They'll be all over us."

Eri shrugged, "I told Zuko I want protection from any remaining Red Lotus members and the only person I trust is you. Besides, I think he likes you."

Mako smirked and slyly felt the box that sat in his pocket, "I think you might be right."
"I'm going to miss you," Fire Lord Izumi said hugging the girl. "Zuko's miserable to get along with when you're not around. Gets all sad without an adventure around the corner."

Eri let out a laugh, "tell him to come see me anytime he wants to go. The Minister of Peaceful Relations would love the chance to travel again."

"I will keep you to that," Zuko's deep voice surprised her from behind.

"I do mean it. Life is going back to boring," Eri said as Mako caught her eye. "Although, I might be ready to settle down a little."

"He is a good man," Zuko spoke softly. "If you were to decide to.. settle down permanently, I approve."

Eri hugged her uncle and whispered, "Thank you."

To know her love was approved of by the court and, more importantly her uncle, was worth the world to her.

Mako had finished strapping the last of their belongings to Ayano and had walked back to the group.

"Thank you again for your hospitality and acceptance," Mako's gaze seemed to hold more than he said as he looked towards Zuko but Eri decided to let it slide.

"You are welcome any time. Thank you for caring for our Eri," Izumi smiled to the man.

"Keep in touch," Eri told her uncle, pulling him into one more hug.

"How could I not?" The older man asked. "We will see each other soon."

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