The Coronation

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Eri sat beside Zuko at the end of the audience watching as Wu accepted the crown. His first action was to give Kuvira her medal for her time served but Eri felt uneasy. She'd tried to speak to Kuvira before the ceremony but was pushed away from her room as she was 'busy'. 

Eri was even more shocked when Kuvira stepped up to the mic to speak for herself. She leaned forward in her seat to catch what she was saying.

"Growing up in Zaofu, with Suyin Beifong,  I learned that the idea of a royal family passing a title from one generation to the next was archaic, and that technology and innovation should be what drives a nation forward. It was the pathetic rule of kings and queens that caused the Earth Kingdom to descend into such incredible disarray. It's taken me three years to get it back on track, and there is no way I will allow it to slip back into the dark ages. I'd like to make an announcement to the world: the Earth Kingdom is no more. And from here on out, this man has no authority." Eri gasped as Kuvira gestured to Wu. "I have created a new Earth Empire, and I will continue to lead it into the future myself, bringing about a new era of prosperity for my people. And let me assure my fellow leaders of one thing: anyone who crosses our borders or stands in our way, will be crushed."

Kuvira destroyed the medal Wu gave her as the crowd exploded into cheers. Eri felt sick to her stomach as Zuko and Izumi exchanged a glance. Eri realized her job gaining Peaceful Relations was about to get a lot harder.


Eri, Zuko and Izumi were in their suite talking about what was to happen next. 

"Tenzin said he's sending his children to find Korra," Zuko broke the stunned silence.

"Good, it's time she comes back to us," Izumi didn't hide her annoyance at the absence of the Avatar.

"I hope she's alright," Eri frowned. "What are we supposed to do about Kuvira? The crowd seems to love her."

"That doesn't mean what she's doing is right," Zuko replied.

Eri sighed, "I mean, were any of us really excited for Wu to take the crown? I'm not saying what Kuvira is doing is right, and from what I hear I definitely don't want her to take over... but I do see where she's coming from."

"It is not our place to interfere," Izumi stated. "We will not interrupt Earth Kingdom politics. We will help where we can but I don't want to push Fire Nation ideals anywhere outside our borders. That is not who we are anymore."

Eri bowed her head, "I understand. You know I would never make a decision to harm the Fire Nation or our relations with our neighbors."

"We know," Zuko cut it. "We just want the world to know we are a peaceful nation now. We have fought hard to be where we are, to have the peace we have. We will not push anything until we know more."

"Understood," Eri stood to leave. "I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Can't wait," Izumi smiled. "Thank you for you council."

"Say hello to your fiance for us," Zuko led her to the door. "We will figure this out."


"Bolin and I got in a fight," Zuko rubbed a hand over his face as he sunk into their couch. Eri was wrapped in a blanket with a cup of tea by their fireplace. She'd tried to take a bath to calm her nerves but just found herself counting down the minutes until Mako came home. 

"I'm sure you'll work it out," Eri tried to comfort him. She handed her tea cup to him so he could have a sip. It was peppermint, perfect for headaches.

"Thank you," he took a sip and handed it back. "He thinks Kuvira is going to save the Earth Kingdom with her dictatorship... He said he thinks she's just like Korra."

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