The Letter

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Dear Mako, 

It's been awhile, I'm sorry it's been so long since my last letter. I'm kind of losing track of time out here. It's been lonely. The others are busy with their training with their... new friends. I think we've been here six months now? I've been meditating a lot to the spirit world. I see Great Uncle Iroh all the time now, he's been teaching me to breath fire, I can't wait to show you! He's been telling me all kinds of stories about Zuko, it sure puts him in a different light. I've never laughed so hard in my life.

How are things in Republic City? Are you still loving your detective work?  I hope you aren't too lonely there without Bolin, Korra, or I. Don't forget to get out and do something not work related at least once a week.. like have a picnic or watch a mover! It'll do wonders for your soul. 

Speaking of Korra, she hasn't responded to any of my letters... have you heard from her? Bolin's asked me to write her double the letters and say one is from him while he's working on the project. I told him I would, but in reality I just write my normal letter and then write one that says a random fruit and put his name at the bottom. I hope Korra doesn't mind, it makes me laugh and I hope it does her too.

The ring you gave me is a wonderful reminder of home. It's always made me think of the Fire Nation and my life there, but lately it's reminded me of something else too. It reminds me of Republic City and how fun my life was there, even if it wasn't for very long. It reminds me of you, too. It might be strange to say, and it might just be my solitude brain talking, but you've felt more like a home than really anyone I've ever met. It's weird not having you to look to when I want to roll my eyes at one of Bolin's comments. Or when Sere makes a rude comment, I'm always ready for you to say something quick back... even though you haven't met Sere yet, I can hear exactly what you'd say in the back of my mind. Anyways, what I'm trying to say Mako, is that I miss you. I really hope we can spend more time together when this is over. I think we're nearing the end of our time on this part of the project. I'm curious to know what will happen next.

Spirits I wish I had a book to read... or really anything to kill the time.

Hope you are well,


Mako smiled down at the letter in his hand. He'd read it over and over the past couple of weeks. He could've recited it word for word if anyone had asked. He chuckled at the thought of Korra getting letters with the names of random fruits written on them. 

The letters he and Eri had exchanged were few and far between, but he cherished everyone. He kept them in his breast pocket at all times. It was his solace when work was stressful or if he was feeling lonely. Her words brought him comfort, and he wondered if his letters had the same effects, if any, as hers did on him. 

He looked at the calendar on his desk and couldn't help but smile wider. 

It was the day.

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