Playing Minister

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"I didn't realize she'd become such a threat. There were whispers, but it's just not like her," Eri ran a hand through her hair.

"She promised to step down, but now.." Raiko trailed off.

"My Nation does not want war," Eri said firmly. "I've told you this before. We still don't know the extent of what she's doing."

"I'm not saying we go to war. I just think we need to investigate," Raiko looked at the Ward. There was a pause then, "Bolin is a friend of yours."

"Has he done something wrong?" Eri tried to get to the point.

"What if you visit. Check in with him," Raiko was sitting across from Eri's desk. The office sat fourteen stories tall, the building next door was smaller and gave her a beautiful view of the city. Plants native to the Fire Nation sat among the book shelves, bigger leafed ones sat next to the windows.

"I'm still learning my duties here," Eri countered. "I say we wait. Give it a few weeks. I want more intel, I want to know exact things she's being accused of."

"The Air Nomads are assisting in the area. Put in a call to Tenzin. We have time, but I wouldn't want it to wait more than a few months. If you don't want to be the one to do it let me know, I have others I can send," Raiko turned and left the room, leaving Eri to think on his words.

How could Kuvira really be bad? And if Bolin was still around there's no way he would let those things be true.

Still, she knew Bolin was gullible and easily swayed. She decided to keep herself up to date on the matter. She knew the Fire Nation's stance on international issues. She knew she had to try to be neutral until more news came to light.

After a few hours of pouring over reports, drinking two pots of tea, and listening to multiple advocates from various organizations: Eri could not decide what to do about Kuvira. She looked to the phone on her desk and decided to make a call.


Dinner on Air Temple Island was never boring. After Eri's request to speak to Tenzin he was quick to invite her and Mako to dinner. He wasn't off until later so she decided to go to dinner alone. They'd spent plenty of time together and she was excited to see the air benders.

"The Fire lady is back!" Meelo exclaimed when she walked up to the house. "Do you think she broke up with the grumpy man?"

Pena nudged her son not so subtlety as she walked toward Eri with open arms. "It's so good to see you again."

"Thank you for having me," Eri smiled into the embrace. "I've missed you all."

"Where's Mako?" Ikki asked cocking her head

"Work," Eri shrugged. "Sounds like he's pretty behind on paperwork."

Tenzin walked up to the group, "Minister."

"Master," Eri matched his bow then laughed and pulled him into a hug.

After their pleasantries were swapped the group went inside for dinner. Pema made a delicious salad that the group ate quickly. Eri helped with the dishes then was escorted outside by Tenzin.

They were standing outside the courtyard, watching as the airbenders silently practiced their hand movements.

"I never thought I would see a group of airbenders in my lifetime," Eri looked out at the group. "I'm so happy for you Tenzin. The Fire Nation is behind you every step of the way."

Tenzin smiled at her words, "I've never had the chance to thank you for what you did."

Eri waved him off, "It was nothing. I would do it again tomorrow if I knew it would lead to the safety of the air nomads."

"And for that we are grateful," Tenzin turned to face her. "What's troubling you?"

"Kuvira," Eri said bluntly. "Well, I think she is anyway."

Tenzin raised an eyebrow in an offer for her to continue.

"Raiko thinks she might be starting trouble but none of us want a war," Eri began. Tenzin nodded, fully aware of the situation. "Raiko wants me to visit. See what's happening."

"What do you want to do?" Tenzin asked, unsure of her concern.

"I don't know if it's appropriate for the Minister of Peace to go on such a mission. And if I were to go, I don't want her to know I'm there. I want to visit places she's been. See the reality of the situation, but if I'm found snooping around I'll never be trusted. The Fire Nation will be seen as dishonest. I feel that my hands are tied," Eri looked to her friend and advisor. "What do you think?"

"I agree with you on all of those points," Tenzin stroked his beard. "I've been growing worried about what is happening in the Earth Kingdom myself."

"Have you been working on something?"

Tenzin nodded, "I want to send groups of two out. Have them go to cities Kuvira has been and gather information. All my reports can go to you as well. We can keep an eye on the way things are going and you can stay neutral. The role of the nomads is to ensure the safety of all people."

"And.. if the rumors are true?" Eri asked softly.

"Then we fix it. We are in this together," Tenzin's smile was wide.

"I cannot allow another Red Lotus situation. There is no one way to run a government but it should never be taken by force. None of this sits well with me," Eri pulled the cuffs of her armbands down slightly in thought.

"We will prevail. We always do."

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