The Aftermath

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"No no no no," Mako's voice sounded close and desperate.

"She could still be okay, Mako," Bolin's voice cracked.

"I was supposed to be the one to keep her safe," Mako sighed.

Eri pried her eyes open to look at the boys in front of her, "She's perfectly capable... of... keeping herself... safe."

"You've got to be kidding me," Mako groaned. "You come back from the dead and sarcasm is your go to?"

Eri tried to sit up but was pushed back down by Bolin, "Nu-uh. I just worked my butt off practicing CPR on you. You're not going to push it."

"Practicing? You mean you've never done it?" Eri groaned.

Bolin shrugged, "I've done it in a mover before?"

Eri took in her surroundings. The three of them were at the bottom of the shaft. The one she'd dove down a few minutes earlier. "Do you guys know how we're getting out of here?"

"I can carry you out one at a time," Bolin looked to Mako who shook his head.

"You can help me out but Eri will need an airbender's help," Mako raised an eyebrow at the frown she sent him. "Fine. Show me right now that you can stand on your own."

Eri rolled her eyes and tried to stand only to not move at all. She looked to Mako, her eyes wide, "I can't move my legs. Mako, I can't move my legs."

"Don't joke like that," Mako said moving closer to her.

"I'm not. Mako, they're not moving." Eri's wide eyes bounced between the brothers who looked absolutely terrified.

"We'll go get Tenzin, and Korra. Maybe we can find Viso and ask for his help. The team was helping move the refugees to safety last I heard. We'll get you help," Mako looked to his brother. "Get me out of here."

"We're moving. Right now," Bolin stood and helped Mako who leaned heavily on his brother.

Eri reached out and grabbed Mako's hand, "Please don't push it. You're hurt too."

Mako ignored her comment, "We'll be right back. We'll get you help, honey."

"Is he going crazy?" Eri asked Bolin, pointing to his brother.

"I-don't know," Bolin looked up the ladder, "Just stay right here, I'll bring back an Airbender that can get you out gently."

Eri nodded, not sure what else to do as she watched Mako stumble his way up the stairs. Not long after they'd left the hatch, voices could be heard from above.

"You two have seriously got to stop getting into these situations," Sele's deep voice could be heard from a mile away.

"It's honestly just embarrassing at this point," Loshi's sweet teasing voice echoed in.

"Please," Eri's voice was smaller than they'd ever heard it. "Please help me."

Tenzin dropped slowly down to the girl from above. The sound of his feet hitting the ground echoed in the metal cavern, "I'm here Eri. I'm going to get you out."

Tears sprang to Eri's eyes as she nodded. Her voice was a whisper as she thanked him. The anxiety of being alone in the mech was heavier than she'd expected it to be.

The ride was quick. Tenzin's tenderness was evident in his bending. Eri could barely feel the air beneath her as he maneuvered her out of the hole in the ground. She gasped at the site of Republic City. There was spirit vines everywhere around them for miles. A bright green light shot to the sky in the center of it. Her eyes turned to the left where Mako was still leaning heavily on his brother as she was gently laid to the ground next to them.

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