Finished Business

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Eri coughed, the air around her was thin and no light could be seen. She bent her white flames into her palm. Bookshelves were tipped over around her, books lay strewn about everywhere. The shelves had saved the corridor from collapsing completely and she thought she might see a way out. She turned around to see if she could save Fao but turned back away almost instantly at the sight of his body. He had been completely impaled by a rogue piece of wood and was sprawled across the floor surrounded in his own blood. Eri couldn't bring herself to look at the man again and instead made her way towards the hopeful exit. 

The opening was so small she had to crawl the entire way meaning she couldn't keep her light shining. Only the smallest sliver of light came from ahead of her and she was moving to it as quick as she could, not trusting the walls around her to stay up forever. As she got closer the sliver seemed to grow and by the time she was upon it, the light was blinding. 

Loshi stood in front of Eri, she was bending as fast as she could to open a path to the girl. "I felt your bodies," she explained. 

"Where's Mako?" Sere asked.

Eri looked around the room, "He's not with you?"

"We thought he was the other body with you!" Rao exclaimed.

"We got separated. He was further down," Eri looked to Loshi desperately, "You have to find him."

Loshi nodded and slammed her foot to the ground, effort clear on her face. "He's straight down I think, he's pretty deep down there.."

"Just try," Eri said urgently. If he was trapped, there wasn't much time left. 

All Eri could do was wait and hope that Loshi could bend to him quick enough. She was separating the earth quicker than Eri had ever seen. After a few moments a hand became visible from beneath broken pieces of wooden supports. Eri ran to the hand and squeezed it, a weak squeeze was returned and tears sprung to her eyes.

"Careful," Sere said to Rao. The men were pulling the beams up just enough for Viso to sneak under and grab Mako's body. 

"He doesn't look so good," Rao grumbled as they slid out from the space. Loshi, Viso, and Sere gave him a glare so hard he physically stepped back.

Eri looked to Viso, "Can you help him?"

"He's breathing. We have a good chance. Let's get him to the surface, there was a fountain just outside," Viso said standing and giving Eri a hand to join him. 

Sere picked up Mako easily and Loshi shot them straight out of the hole she'd just made. Sweat was pouring down her face, the speed and size what she'd just done was taking its toll.

The group ran out to the fountain and watched as Sere placed Mako gently into the pool. Viso began the healing process. Eri felt extremely lucky he was there, he'd learned from Katara and was becoming one of the most experienced healers she'd seen.

The air was heavy as they waited for something to happen. After a few minutes of holding their breath Mako finally woke with a heavy cough. Eri ran into the fountain and knelt next to him and helped him sit up.

Eri looked up to Viso, "Thank you."

"I'm not done with him, but the rest can be done on the balloon. We'll go finish up booking these guys. Don't move without my say so Mako," Viso ordered. 

Mako nodded and weakly said, "I don't think I could if I wanted to."

"Come grab me if you need anything," Eri told the group who nodded walking away. After they were out of ear shot Eri looked down at Mako, tears lining her eyes. "I'm so sorry! I couldn't stop him. You could've died!"

"I'm fine Eri really. That wasn't your fault," Mako tried to sit up but gasped in pain.

"He said not to move!" Eri said gently pushing him back.

Mako grumbled, "I just want to sit up."

"Let me help you," Eri grabbed under his armpits and lifted him into a sitting position, his back leaned against the rim of the fountain. Mako reached up and wiped the tears from her face. His hands were wet from the fountain water so it didn't help much but she appreciated the gesture. "I'm so glad you're okay."

"We've really got to stop meeting like this," Mako laughed gesturing to the healing pool. His laugh didn't last long as he groaned and held his stomach at the movement. "Remind me to hurt Varrick when we get back to Republic City."

"Why?" Eri asked. "What does Varrick have to do with anything?"

"He made those dumb detonators," Mako groaned.

Eri's eyes widened, "I won't need to remind you because I'm going to hurt him myself."


The room on the air balloon was dimly lit as Viso healed Mako in the pool. The bruises across his body were disappearing as time went on. He'd fallen asleep early on in the treatment, his body was unable to stay awake any longer.

"I've got to take an arrest count and talk to Lin. Get me if anything changes," Eri said to Viso making her way to the door. "And Viso.. thank you for saving him."

"Anything for you Eri," Viso said softly, his eyes never leaving the pool in front of him. 


"No casualties?" Lin's voice was crackling through the radio. 

Eri tried to speak as clearly as she could, "Not on our side. Fao died and we're assuming Tyn did too. Loshi didn't feel anyone else in the debris."

"That's probably for the best. Now they can't be controlling through the restorative program. Good work Eri. Bolin's team was successful as well. We'll only know in time if there are any more Red Lotus members around but I think we can say you've officially ended the Red Lotus. At least for now. I'm proud of you. I'll send word to Lord Zuko and let you get back to Mako. Keep me updated on his condition," Lin said. Eri sometimes forgot how close the two had gotten through their jobs on the force and it made her smile at the thought of Lin being a big ole softy.

"Will do Chief. See you in a few hours," Eri said then hung up the receiver.

She made her way back to the pool but was surprised to see Viso in the hall headed her way, "Is everything alright?"

Viso nodded, "He did great. Now it's just a matter of letting his body rest. He should be fine in a few days. No active duty and plenty of rest and fluids. Think you can keep him to it?"

Eri frowned, "That's no easy task you're asking there."

Viso couldn't help from laughing, "I know. He's a stubborn one, but no where near as stubborn as you. I'm sure you'll be fine."

"I hope so." Eri paused and looked at him sincerely, "Thank you again Viso. I'm grateful for you."

"And I for you Eri," Viso continued forward. "Oh, he's in his room resting. I left the door cracked open for you." He didn't wait for a response as he continued on his way to the lounge.


Eri lightly stepped into the room, trying to be careful not to wake Mako. He was sleeping peacefully and Eri decided not to disturb him. She slowly turned around but stopped when she heard him mumble, "Stay."

"What?" she whispered, unsure if he was awake.

"Stay with me. Please. I don't want to be alone," Mako said quietly.

Eri made her way softly to his bedside and went to sit on the chair beside his bed. 

"No," Mako pat an open space on the bed beside him. "Here."

Eri rolled her eyes but didn't argue. She kicked off her shoes and pulled off her jacket, then climbed into the bed with him. She placed her head on the crook of his shoulder, his arm snaked around her back. She instinctively wrapped a leg onto him and nestled in. 

"Is this okay? Am I hurting you?" she asked, unsure of how much pressure she could put on him.

Mako nodded and squeezed her tighter onto his chest, "I feel better already."

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