A New Role

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Bolin and Eri stood on the docks and faced a frowning Mako and teary eyed Asami.

"I'm not ready to say goodbye to you guys too," Asami said quietly. "Team Avatar is splitting up."

"It's not goodbye Asami, it's 'see you later'!" Bolin said with a lopsided grin but then looked to the other three and frowned. Tears began flooding down his face and he ran into Asami's arms, "I'm not ready to go either!"

Eri awkwardly patted his back in reassurance as she walked past him to speak to Mako.

"Promise me you'll write," he whispered.

Eri looked at his eyes. She wanted to say she wouldn't be able to, that her mission would be too secretive. Instead she said, "I promise to try. I'll send letters as often as I can."

Mako nodded, he looked unsure of what to do so Eri took the reigns and hugged him. He took a shocked step back then returned it, "Be safe. I don't want to find you in some healing pool somewhere again."

Eri smiled, "You won't. I'll be safe. You're lucky you're a part of the task force, you'll be let in on the locations we'll be so you can write me back."

Mako grinned, seeming proud of himself, "If you ever need help in Republic City, just call."

"What if I need my favorite Fire Ferret?" Eri asked with a cheeky grin. Mako had a habit of taking himself too serious and she liked to remind him there was more to life than jobs to get done.

"I'll be with you the whole time!" Bolin said butting into their conversation. "I'm going to miss you bro."

As the brothers hugged, Eri walked over to Asami. "If you hear from her, let me know."

Asami nodded, "I will. I'll keep writing her. You should too."

"I'll try every chance I can, but she trusts you most. Do what you have to do to keep her spirits up," Eri hugged her friend tightly.

"Keep in touch with how Future Industries can help you on your journey," Asami said breaking the hug.

"We will. I'm sure your business is going to thrive," Eri looked at Bolin. "Ready?"

The earth bender gave his friends one last hug then raced up the gangplank of the United Forces ship. He was excited for the new adventure and his joy was contagious to Eri.

She looked at the two left on the docks one last time and turned to leave. She was just about to the gangplank when she felt a hand grasp her wrist.

"I uh- You forgot something," Mako said sheepishly.

"I did?" Eri couldn't figure out what she could've forgotten.

Mako put his hand into hers and dropped something small and metal. "I don't want you to forget Republic City.. or who's going to be waiting for you here."

Eri opened her hand to see a gold ring sitting in her palm. There was a small clear white gem in the center. The ring itself was a bit of a wonky circle. It looked formed by hand.

"Mako," she breathed. "Is that topaz?"

He nodded, "It's supposed to help you succeed in your endeavors, it has the energy of the sun.. at least that's what the woman who sold me the gem said."

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