Day of Colossus

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Bolin held up the massive stone wall so that they could escape the wreckage of the building. If the situation wasn't so dire, Eri could've laughed at Bolin's struggle to hold the wall up. 

The group stood in a safe space among the wreckage. Stone walls and metal piping sat as a jagged wall around them. Tenzin landed in the center after scouting out Kuvira's location. 

"Kuvira's heading our way with a platoon of mocha-suits."

"What should we do?" Asami asked.

"This is my hometown, and I hate to say it, but there's no use risking all our lives to fight that giant thing. Let her take the city for now. We'll think of some way to come back and beat her," Bolin smacked his fist into his hand.

"What about all the people who haven't been evacuated yet?" Mako countered with Bolin. "If Kuvira finds out Wu is with them, she might fire that spirit cannon at him and take them all out."

"I couldn't stop Kuvira from taking Zaofu." Korra's eyes looked regretful, "I'm not letting her conquer Republic City. The world isn't safe as long as she has that weapon."

"I agree," Lin's voice shocked them all as she stood above them in the rubble, "We take down that giant today. Glad to see you made it out. You had me worried."

"Well, you benders are gonna have to fight her alone. She just blew up our factory with all our hummingbird suits," Varrick reminded them.

"Not all of them. There are the prototypes back at my office. If we can get those ready to fly, we'll at least be able to offer a little air support," Asami said, offering hope as she always seemed to do.

Korra turned to Su, "Su, you take Bataar Jr. and the rest of the wounded back to Asami's office. Get those suits working as soon as you can. The rest of us will just have to face Kuvira on our own."


Eri watched anxiously as the air benders flew toward the machine, paint balloons strapped down their chests. They flew toward the machine, dodging laser after laser. She crossed her fingers that Meelo's plan would work, or at least help a little.

 The machine stopped as the paint covered all the windows. Eri and Mako stood by as the metal benders jumped into action, only to return with the news the entire machine was platinum. Bolin jumped into action melting lava around one foot in an effort to stick the machine in place long enough for the airbenders to knock it over.

Spools of wire were bended around the feet to help with the toppling effect. Korra led the air benders in the push of wind into the machine's chest. After a few tries it did topple a bit but never fully fell. Without hesitation Kuvira shot the laser, hitting the air benders. Eri and Mako ran to the rubble and helped who they could to their feet. Bolin screamed for Opal. Eri couldn't help but bite back tears at the site of her unconscious form in his arms. They were giving it their all but couldn't stop losing.


The group of remaining fighters stood in Asami's office talking through Varrick's electric pulse with Bataar Jr. Turns out spirit power doesn't work like regular electricity. Wild, huh?

"I wish I could help you, but it's unstoppable," Bataar sat forward. Ashamed.

"It's not," a familiar voice came from behind them. Eri had the pleasure of meeting Asami's father once on a jail visit. Asami had invited her to play Pai Sho once their relationship had mended a bit. His ideals were not ones that Eri fully enjoyed, but it meant a lot to Asami so she enjoyed her time. 

 "Dad?" Asami asked.

"I got him out of jail to help. I figured we need all the geniuses we can get our hands on right now. If the prison's still standing after all this is over, we can throw him back in," Lin sounded serious in her threat.

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