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Eri gently shut the door to the cottage. She looked out to the pastures to see Ayano rolling in the fields, enjoying the feeling of the tall grass along her back. The koala sheep lazily grazed around her, used to the dragon's presence.

Mako and Eri had made the cottage their home months ago. The battle against Kuvira was now just a memory, one that would terrorize their dreams from time to time, but that was getting easier too. 

The massive garden she had cultivated outside their house was about an acre large of pathways, trees, cherry blossoms, vegetables, you name it. Between the gardening and reading books from their ever growing library, Mako and Eri had created a leisurely life for themselves. Sure, they went to the palace often to train and have family dinners, and they'd flown Ayano to Republic City countless times, but the cottage and fields had truly become their home. 

Eri smiled at the sight of the cars pulling up to their home. The decorators had come to set up the ceremony and reception areas of the wedding. Varrick and Zhu Li had kindly offered to get it all organized and were already barking orders before the decorators had left their cars.

"Congrats kid, good to see you," Varrick shook her hand violently as he passed her. Zhu Li silently nodded her head and followed her husband.

"There you are!" Asami's voice called from the cabin. "It's time to get you ready!"

Eri sipped her cup of tea and turned to her friend, "Just getting some fresh air!"

Korra and Opal sat at the kitchen bar stool as Asami curled Eri's hair in the living room in front of a tall mirror. The cottage was small compared to their massive apartment in Republic city. The ceilings were short, stone walls were held together with thick mortar. The fire place was constantly roaring, an easy thing to have with two fire benders living there. The walls were lined with bookshelves that were uneven from the weight of various books. Dried flowers and herbs hung from the ceilings along with a few wind chimes Korra kept hitting her bun against. Cozy leather chairs sat atop a large rug in the center of the living room. Gold decorations from the palace were randomly placed throughout the house, and portraits of loved ones were lovingly set about.

There were three rooms in the cottage, set specifically for both couples; Korra and Asami, Bolin and Opal. The boys were out at the barn with Varrick, their cousins, and Iroh getting ready for the wedding on their own.

A soft knock was heard at the door of the cottage, Opal skipped over and revealed Izumi and Mako's gran.

"We've come to wish you luck," Izumi smiled.

"And I've got a gift!" Gran exclaimed. She ran in and handed the small box to Eri. Inside was a gold clasp, "It was Mako's mothers. She'd mailed it to me for safe keeping in case Mako ever got married. I rescued it when we escaped the earth nation and have been holding onto it for you."

Eri gasped, "This is so kind, thank you gran."

"Now don't cry, Asami's worked so hard on your make up!" Gran lightly smacked the girl then pulled her into a hug.

After the hug Eri passed the clasp back to Asami to set in her hair. 

"Final touch! I think you're ready," Asami stood back admiring her handiwork.

"Good work babe," Korra grinned and kissed Asami lightly. "You look beautiful Eri."

"Thank you, thank you both," Eri gripped both girls into a hug and motioned for Opal to join in. It was finally time for her to marry Mako.


"Do you promise to keep her safe to the best of your ability?" Zuko looked between the two before adding, "We all know she has a bad habit of doing what she wants no matter the danger."

Eri laughed through the tears that slid down her cheek. She couldn't believe the turn out, the hundreds of seats behind them were all full. Mako had been fighting back his tears since he'd seen her at the end of the aisle. It was the wedding she'd dreamed of her entire life.

"I do," Mako smiled.

"And you Eri, do you promise to love Mako through the best and the worst of times?"

"Already have," Eri smirked, "I do."

"Then with the power vested in me, and that's a lot by the way. I now pronounce you husband and wife!"

As Mako and Eri kissed fireworks were sent off behind them, Bolin threw white petals from somewhere in his pockets, and Ayano flew above them in excitement for the addition of her new dad to the family. 


After a long night of celebration, dancing, and more congratulations than either of them could handle, Mako and Eri sat in a hidden nook of their garden, sipping on some champagne. 

"That was a lot," Eri laughed.

Mako nodded, "Yeah, but look at us now!" He held out his hand to show the black ring that wrapped his ring finger.

"We're married!" Eri exclaimed and leaned in for a kiss. "I've been waiting for this for awhile."

"Me too, I don't want the celebrations to end," Mako looked up at the moon.

"What if they didn't have to? Not yet?" Eri asked him, pulling out the whistle that was tied around her neck.

"You mean, start the honeymoon early?" Mako raised an eyebrow, "But all our guests-"

"They'd understand." Eri blew into the whistle, the noise was so high pitch they couldn't hear it, but Ayano came almost immediately.

"Where do you want to go first?" Mako stood up, offering a hand to his wife.

Eri stood, she slipped her hands around his neck. Snaking her body closer to his she began tracing kisses along the side of his neck, "Anywhere as long as it's with you and it has a bed."

"Well our cottage-"

"Has all four of our closest friends in it. We're leaving now and we're going to a hotel." Eri walked towards Ayano then turned, "Unless you'd like to stay..."

"Nope, no. You're right. Let's go." Mako hurriedly picked up his wife and placed her on the saddle, quickly jumping behind her. 

The two held on tightly as Ayano lifted off, temporarily taking them away from their home and into the beginning of their lives together. 

The End

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