Venom of the Red Lotus

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Mako could not stop seeing the image of her plummeting to the ground. It had almost been two weeks and she hadn't yet awoken. The image replayed every time he shut his eyes. The whirlwind disappearing as Korra fell, chains around her arms. Eri forcing herself and Zaheer to the ground. Sacrificing herself to stop the mad man.

The two hit the ground so hard there was a crater where Zaheer's back had hit. The airbenders had moved their strength to slowing them down, a cushion of air had been created beneath them but the impact was enough to leave them both painfully injured and unconscious. Her screams echoed through his head. Pure pain and fear had left her as she shot them toward the earth.

Korra had passed out in her fathers arm, the metallic poison was released from her body. Mako had assumed Tonraq had his daughter and ran to Eri. The girl was just collateral damage in a massive political move. She had been raised like livestock for slaughter, to stop Zaheer no matter the cost. 

Now he was standing in the doorframe of her healing room. She was floating in the warm pool as the healer passed her over, back and forth, with the bright blue healing water. This was the tenth day they'd done this routine. At first he was at the edge of his patience waiting for her to wake up. Any noise made him jump to her side, thinking she was waking up, but reality was setting in. She might never wake up. He stood there in a constant vigil for the girl who had no one else. 

Zuko was busy protecting the Fire Nation from remaining Red Lotus members. Izumi was busy with being the Fire Lord. Iroh had come to see if his "adoptive" sister was going to wake. If she didn't in the next two days he had planned an expedition to the southern water tribe in hopes she would be in better care there. Iroh had been with her all night and was currently napping. Him and Mako had a silent agreement that one of them would always be with her, the other resting or catching food for the other. Neither of them could imagine what she would feel if she woke up alone. If... if she woke up.

Mako stretched from his position against the door frame, stretching his tight figure. His eyes never left her. The wounds from the battle were almost completely healed. Her scar was less visible than he'd ever seen it. She had fractured six ribs, the healers said they were nearly done. Her ankle had been severely sprained. A fracture in her shoulder was evident as well. The main damage though, was in her mind. She had hit her head and a concussion was rattling through her. He worried that psychologically she may never heal from this. She had said herself, what would she do now that Zaheer is captured?

There was a moan from the pool. Mako blinked. After multiple false hopes he wasn't sure if he should jump to her side again only to be embarrassed by looks from the healer. A second groan came from her. Eri's eyes fluttered open, her pupils shot all over the room. Flames erupted from her palms and she tried to hop from the pool. Mako was at her side in less than a second. He jumped into the wide pool with her. 

He placed a gentle but firm hand on her uninjured shoulder, another under her back, pressing her gently into the pool, "You're safe."

"What- Mako?" Eri asked, a bound hand going to her temple as her eyebrows furrowed in pain. "What happened?"

"You stopped Zaheer," Mako grinned. "Well, you and Korra."

"Is he dead?" Eri's eyes met his, he'd never seen her confidence so shattered. Her blue eyes were swimming with fear and pain.

Mako shook his head, "No, he's in a secret prison, I don't even know where. It's over."

"Ming Hua? Ghazan?"

"They're gone. Bolin and I had to-" Mako grabbed her hand with the one that was on her shoulder. "It doesn't matter. It's over. We're safe. You're safe. How do you feel?"

"Like I was run over by a hippo cow," Eri groaned, falling back into the water. "Can I get out of here?"

Mako looked to the healer who motioned that they could indeed leave the pool. "Bring her back tomorrow. She better go straight to bed. You get her some soup." The woman looked to Eri, "You are lucky to be alive my dear. This boy was at your side every step of the way. Take care of yourself."

Eri nodded as Mako helped lift her from the pool. The healer dried them off quickly, placing the water back into the tub. Eri felt her cheeks flush as she realized how little clothing she had on. She wore tight shorts and a tank top that was more of a crop top than anything. Mako seemed to notice too and gave her his jacket as he hadn't brought a change of clothes for her today, truly not expecting her to wake up. 

As they walked out of the room, Eri realized they were on air temple island. She silently took in their surroundings. She felt like she was living for the first time. The pressure of defeating the four red lotus members was gone. It was a feeling she'd never had before. Her path had always been picked for her, the training, the knowledge, the guilt. Now? Now, she didn't have to chase murderers across the world any more.

"What're you thinking about?" Mako asked gently. Eri hung onto his arm as they slowly walked towards the room Pema had set up for her. 

"I guess I'm just realizing... I'm free Mako." Eri looked to the man on her arm. "P'Li no longer has a hold on me. None of them do."

Mako nodded.

"What's on your mind?" she asked, curious at the look that flashed across his eyes.

"I just-" Mako paused. He stopped and faced the girl, "I'm just so glad you're okay. I thought you were dead. We thought you weren't going to wake up."

Eri shrugged, "Would it have mattered if I hadn't? I did my duty. I would've died happy. I've lived a great life. I guess now I'm just living on extra time. After all of this... life is just extra."

Mako was silent as he took in her words. They began walking towards her room again. After a few more moments he finally broke the heavy silence, "It would've mattered to me. It would've mattered to me if you didn't wake up."

"Mako, you barely know me," Eri began, although she'd be lying if she said she didn't feel something towards the man beside her. There was a heat in her stomach at the idea of him caring for her.

"Would it be wrong if I wanted to change that?" Mako asked softly. He looked off to the side, afraid to see what her reaction would be.

Eri placed a hand on his cheek and moved his face towards hers, "No."

Mako's eyes looked to her lips then back to her blue eyes. Eri couldn't help but let her eyes trace his face. He was attractive, and had only shown her patience, kindness, and a level of understanding only Zuko had done. She wanted to get to know him better too.

"Eri I-" Mako started but his voice dropped after seeing the look in her eyes. The two stood staring at each other for one more moment but a crash from behind Mako caused them to frantically break apart.

"You're awake!" Iroh exclaimed. The teacup he was holding had dropped to the ground when he saw the girl. He pushed Mako aside in his excitement and hugged her tighter than she would've preferred. "I thought we'd lost you."

"I'll go- get that soup," Mako said a bit dejectedly. Eri tried to catch his eye but he'd already gone.

Iroh put his arm around Eri's and let her lean on him as they finished the walk to her room. The two spending the walk catching up on their time apart.

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