No Rest for the Weary

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Their time in the city flew by. The team wasn't feeling anywhere near rested enough but the time to strike was now. The Red Lotus had truly crumbled after the death of Zaheer and his radical followers. Only a few "true believers" between the two camps really remained. The plan was simple enough, Mako and Eri would lead the team at the Northern camp to arrest the larger group of insurgents there. Mako and Kuvira's team would take care of the Southern camp. President Raiko had made plans for the Northern insurgents to be brought to a restorative prison that leaned more towards teaching them the harm in their beliefs rather than punishment. Kuvira was setting up an education camp for the Southern campers there. 

The team was flying on an air balloon to the peninsula. It was faster than Iroh's fleet and they were all ready to finish the troubles the Red Lotus brought. 

"So, you're sure Bolin will attack at the same time?" Eri asked Mako again, unsure they would get the timing right.

Mako gave her a look, "Yes. We went over it a dozen times."

Eri nodded, "I know. I'm just nervous."

"We'll get this over with by next week," Mako said with a smile.

Eri looked out the window leaning on the railing in front of them, "That's not really what I'm nervous for."

Mako stepped forward and placed his hand gently on the small of her back, "Then tell me what's bothering you."

Eri looked up at him and snuggled gently into his side, she loved the warmth he gave off. His hand slid further down the side of her waist, patiently waiting for her response. "I'm nervous for the next chapter. Who am I if not in the employ of the Fire Nation?"

"Why don't we find out?" Mako asked her.


Mako grinned, "When this is over. Let's travel. I'll take some time off the force, you take some time off of your Minister duties. The world will survive without us for a few months. We can go anywhere you want to go, see whatever you want, and our only responsibilities will be to each other."

"Are you serious?" Eri stood up straight and faced her partner, the smile on her face was the widest he'd ever seen.

"Of course I'm serious. I said in my letters I wanted to spend more time together and I meant it. I don't want our relationship to be only about who's butt we're kicking next or what job we have. I want it to be based on us, and us alone..." Mako trailed off and blushed, "If that sounds okay to you?"

"It sounds perfect to me. I could even show you the Fire Nation Palace if you want. Zuko would love to have us," Eri's mind was racing with ideas of where they could go.

Mako grabbed her face with his thumbs resting on her cheeks and pulled her towards him, their lips meeting harmoniously. After a moment he whispered, "You'd want to bring me home to your family?"

"Of course. You're as much of my family as they are."


They were nearing the "fishing village" the remaining Red Lotus members used as their cover for their unsavory ways. 

"We drop down and we arrest them all. No one gets out. We have multiple sources of information there are only red lotus members down there. We'll do a thorough and individual investigation on each person back in Republic City, but for now we book them all," Mako looked to his group of officers. Behind him Eri and her own team stood looking ready to go. There were about thirty officers ready to go. Eri, Mako, and the other four were going to go after the head of this camp, Tyn, and her right hand man Fao. The officers would be in charge of the masses. 

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