Enter the Void

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Eri heard footsteps. She wanted to open her eyes but she wanted to see what was happening before she let up that she was awake. She felt the heaviness of the chains on her arms and the tight feel of the gag around her head that was shoved in her mouth.

"The lava bender is here too," Mako's voice sounded far away. Eri was dazed, she couldn't figure out why he was here. Oh right. Miss failure strikes again.

She finally decided to open her eyes and realized her back was against Tenzin's and she was facing a crowd of airbending covers but realized that it wasn't the nomads but actually... water? What was happening? She mentally assessed her pain. Her shoulder had been put back into place. A bandage was wrapped around her ankle, binding it tightly. Someone had... lovingly wrapped her wounds. A mothers touch? Eri's heart ached, how could this be her relationship with her mother?

The footsteps got closer. "Oh my spirits, Eri's here too," Asami's voice was soft. They weren't expecting the firebender to be with the nomads.

Eri heard Tenzin moaning as they helped him sit up. A soft arm wrapped around her waist and helped her sit up. Her head flopped to the side, she wasn't quite ready to hold it up on her own yet.

"Eri," Mako breathed. He lifted his hand to push her hair away from her face. It was the first time he'd ever seen her hair down. Even in Zaofu her hair was in the signature half bun. When he lifted her hair away he saw the extent of the damage. Not only was her eye black and swollen, the scar that had adorned her face was reopened. It aligned almost perfectly with the original cut. Dried blood covered her face and her other eye was having a hard time focusing on him. "It's okay Eri, you're safe now."

Bolin walked over to the water-air nomads and was terrified at the sight of them melting away leaving Ming Hua sitting alone. Mako reached for the radio next to him, "Korra it's a trick! They're not here! Chief, get Korra out of there now!"

There was a streak of water through the air as Ming Hua attacked them. Eri knew she looked bad, she didn't feel great either, but she wasn't ready to give up either. She stood, testing putting weight on her ankle. It was sore but with the wrapping she could make it work. She rolled her shoulder and winced. She could move it and it was good enough for her. 

Asami went to help Eri take off her cuffs but instead the chains melted off of her, a stream of flames following the metal down as a protective layer from her skin. Eri's eyes looked forward towards Ming Hua and Ghazan, an internal battle she was having until finally she stepped forward. Mako and Bolin were keeping the two busy and no one expected the girl to jump back into battle. Eri attacked from above, using her flames to propel her above everyone. She shot a barrage of fire at the two, their screams of pain did not last long. She had surprised them but it didn't last. 

As the fire died down and Eri softly landed next to Mako the two red lotus members couldn't hide the pain or shock in their eyes. The entire left side of Ghazan's face was burned as well as his left arm and his shirt was singed. Ming Hua's stomach bared a massive burn as well as her right shoulder, her clothing was also burned. It wasn't a mystery to anyone what they were thinking, they couldn't believe Eri would actually harm them.

"Bury them already!" Ming Hua's screech broke through the silence and set everyone back into action. Ghazan melted the floor between them and team avatar. 

Ghazan looked to them one last time, "Little flame if we see you again you will not live another day."

As soon as they left the room Eri fell into Mako. Her strength was zapped. "Eri! Let me help you," Mako gently lifted the girl into his arms and ran towards the others. Tenzin had Bolin knock at a door through the stone as he leaned on Asami. Mako stood on his other side, offering his shoulder if needed as well even though he was carrying Eri too. 

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