Interrogations Gone Wrong

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There was a soft knock at Eri's door, "Are you in there?"

"Yeah Asami, be right there!" Eri called out. She jumped from the bed, using her flames to propel her down, and put on the grey robe that lay across her desk chair. She opened the door, "What's up?"

"You're not dressed yet?" Asami asked, there was no judgment in her voice, only surprise.

Eri rubbed the back of her neck and blushed, "Um, no. I must've slept in a bit."

"You've had a rough couple of weeks, no one expected you to be up early. We've been doing some questioning of guards all day. Aiwei says we've found the guilty party. We're going to search his apartment. It sounds like you know a bit about Zaheer, we thought maybe you could help?" Asami asked, rubbing her arm as if she was feeling out of place.

"Yeah, count me in! Let me get dressed," she stepped behind a screen in the room and threw off her robe. Her fire nation clothing slipped on quick, the soft silks instantly feeling like home.


Eri and Asami walked into the building the guard resided in. Mako and Bolin were standing over a note they'd found, "Team assembled, ready to rendezvous." Mako read the note allowed. Eri frowned a bit, Zaheer worked more with visual or audible cues, he hated a chance to be found out. She held her tongue, it didn't seem like enough evidence to feel one way or another.

"And look at this," Asami said handing Aiwei a log book she'd found on the guard's desk.

"These are the guards' log books. All their schedules and routines are in here," Aiwei said with a cocked eyebrow.

"That guard knows everything. We have to get him to talk," Korra said with a frown.

Mako gestured with the note in his hand, "Let's go confront him with this right now."

"No," Aiwei countered, "Let's give him a little time to sweat it out."

Eri nodded in agreement, "And, I mean, this is suspicious but I'm not sure-"

"What? You don't think he did this?" Korra asked frustrated, gesturing to the evidence. "You know, Eri, why don't you talk more? You were with them for weeks and yet you don't know anything about their plans? Who's to say you're not still helping them and were planted here to help them."

Eri scoffed at her friend, "You're joking right?"

"You've done it before," Korra growled.

"Spirits Korra, I was unconscious. I don't know how they got in. I wasn't awake then," Eri tried to hold down her temper, she knew Korra was stressed but this felt unfair.

"Why don't you step back for a sec Korra, that's a huge accusation," Asami said.

"I trust the Avatar. Why don't you go find some food while we continue the investigation," Aiwei said.

"Woah, you're just pushing her out of this, just like that?" Mako asked with a frown.

"Until we know the full story, I'm just saying we should be careful," Aiwei argued.

Eri threw up her hands, "I got up for this? You're right, I am hungry. And I'm not going to sit here and act like I didn't spend the last thirteen years training to fight them. Tell me when you're ready to see the truth." Angrily she pushed the doors open, the wood was singed in the shape of her hand prints.

Grumbling to herself she made her way to the kitchens. She was surprised by a face she'd seen the night before also stealing a bite to eat.

"You're the guard from yesterday, right?" Eri asked the warrior who was in her uniform.

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