The Final Catch Up

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It had been a few weeks since Eri had dinner with Tenzin's family. Mako was on a new assignment that he complained about almost daily. He was the guard to Prince Wu.

"Now I'm his body guard and yours," Mako had chuckled when he first got the assignment. Now though, he was ready to explode.

Eri was sitting across the table from Asami. She'd been so busy with Future Industries it was hard for Eri to get any time with her friend. 

"The new rail system seems intense," Eri commented, recalling an article in the day before's news. 

Asami nodded, "Yeah, it's taking up almost all of my time. Raiko wants a peaceful transition of power in the Earth Kingdom while also being able to have closer ties."

"Makes sense to me. Although, I worry about Wu's ability to take over the throne," Eri said quietly. "The stories Mako tells me.. sounds like he's a mess."

Asami laughed, "I'm sure Mako's exaggerating. He can't handle anyone that doesn't take life seriously."

"That's true," Eri agreed. "He's starting to be less of a stick in the mud though. I think our trip really helped."

"How was it?" Asami asked, "I was pretty jealous while you were gone. I want to travel more at some point."

"Sounds like future industries is really taking off! I'm sure you'll get the chance soon," Eri smiled. "It was incredible. I don't know how much more we could've seen while we were away honestly. There's so many places I'd love to return to."

"I'm surprised you didn't come back with a ring," Asami's eyes widened as Eri choked on her soup. "Sorry!"

"It's fine," Eri said through coughs. "I was kind of expecting it myself honestly."

"Are you upset about it?" Asami's words were gentle and non-intrusive.

Eri shrugged, "I mean, I think we were both waiting to see how the trip would go. See if we can deal with the reality of living with each other every day. Now that we're back though? If he asked me today I'd say yes. Would it be weird to you or Korra?"

Asami's blush didn't go unnoticed, "I don't think so."

"You have been talking to her!" Eri accused.

"No! I... yes. We have been," Asami's head lowered. "She asked I didn't tell anyone. Especially Mako, you know how he gets."

"I won't say a word," Eri crossed her heart. "I told you before that you should talk to her even if we couldn't! I'm glad she has you."

Eri reached a hand over and placed it on Asami's. 

"I appreciate that Eri. So.. how's the Red Lotus situation?" Asami asked, ready for a change in subject. 

"Ah well, sounds like the surviving groups have come into the city. They're trying to recruit but Raiko and I are working on a propaganda scheme to tell people it's not a good idea to join. Until they do something illegal I can't really do anything."

"Trying to murder Korra wasn't enough?" Asami was angry.

Eri held up her hands in surrender, "You know I want them taken down more than anyone - except maybe Korra. It was Zaheer and my mother who wanted her dead. These guys have the same ideals but they didn't use the poison. I'm keep surveillance on them at all times and we have someone on the inside waiting to hear about any threats to public safety. I want them gone to but.. this is the best we can do."

"That's infuriating," Asami said but her eyes softened. "I'm not mad at you-"

"Just the system," Eri nodded in agreement. "We have to do this soon. I love Mako but, I need more girls in my life. I can't wait to see Korra in a few months."

"I'd love that. As much as I love business meetings and men telling me what to do," Asami trailed off. "I've missed you so much. Let's do this again next week?"



The months went by slowly. Mako found his routine with Wu, although he didn't love it. Eri worked towards managing Fire Nation issues within Republic City, Red Lotus threats, and trying her best to keep up with news on Kuvira - although the last one didn't prove very fruitful until much later. 

A/N We're back on track! Love y'all! Let me know what you think!

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