Operation Beifong

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Juicy groaned as the four landed outside Zaofu. Eri found herself understanding why, any adventure with Bolin meant lots of chatter.

Bolin and Opal were quick to get on the ground. Lin and Eri took to the tail. Lin broke between the arguing couple and pushed Bolin aside, "You, zip it now. I had enough of your babble on the ride in."

"Yes, ma'am," Bolin quickly shut up.

"You couldn't have done that sooner?" Eri whispered to the chief of police.

"Kuvira tore down all the domes. Why would she do that?" Opal asked as they knelt down.

Lin pulled out a looking glass, "She's got a whole battalion of troops stationed there. There's no way we'll be able to spot anything useful from here. We'll have to go in for a closer look."

A voice popped up behind them, "Don't bother. All the prisoners have been moved."

"Uh, hey chief," Lin stumbled out at the sight of her mother before them.

"Hey chief," Toph returned.

"Grandma Toph!" Opal yelled and ran towards her grandmother and hugged her.

Eri was surprised at the smile on Toph's face, "You were only up to my waist the last time we were together."

"Hey old lady, how are the hips?" Eri asked.

"Still ready to beat you in a fight, that' for sure," Toph and Eri had a frowning match with each other. Opal, Bolin, and Lin looked between the two expecting a fight until Toph broke the silence with laughter. She pulled Eri in for a tight hug, "It's good to see you little flame."

"And you, grandma," Eri chuckled.

"Only Opal can call me that," Toph scoffed.

"Oh, man! Oh, I can't! This can't be happening!" Bolin was bouncing up and down, giggling with excitement.

"What! Do you have to pee or something?" Toph asked the bouncing Bolin.

"No, well, now maybe. You're my hero! My name is Bolin. I'm dating your granddaughter, I mean, kind of. I may have screwed that up but that's why I'm here, and you're my hero! Oh, I said that! Can I have a hug too?" Bolin reached his hand out for a hug but stayed back.

"What's up with him?" Toph asked.

"He's an actor," Lin answered quick, "So, you already checked the city for Su? How did you know she was captured?"

"I've been living in the swamp and keeping watch on Zaofu from the vines," Toph said as calmly as if she was giving a mango pie recipe.

"Sure, okay, makes sense," Bolin said with deep confusion.

"By the time I got here, they were gone. I snooped around town and heard that they were taken away to some nearby prison camp." Toph said with a frown.

"Where would that be?" Opal asked Bolin. 

"There's a factory and reeducation facility not to far away," Bolin said, sounding disgusted at himself.

"How do you know that?" Toph asked him. 

"Bolin used to work for Kuvira," Opal said with a grimace.

"How did you end up dating the kind of dipstick who works for Kuvira?" Toph grumbled.

"Used to!" Bolin interjected. 

"It's not his silver tongue, I can tell you that," Lin said, leading the Beifongs back to Juicy.

Eri patted her friend on the back, "You'll get there. Just gotta take the jabs as they come, don't forget, you do kind of deserve it."

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