Beyond the Wilds

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Eri stood behind Izumi at the long table. The room was completely empty with the exception of world leaders. Prince Wu sat across from Tenzin and Lin. Mako stood a few feet back from Wu, a permanent frown was etched on his face from the protection detail. Izumi and Raiko sat at the heads of the table. 

The topic for the day was Kuvira. Rumors had been rampant of what she was doing in the Earth Kingdom but the level of threat she posed was not completely clear. Eri nervously bit her lip while the meeting proceeded. She was crossing her fingers Korra wouldn't find out they were meeting without her, Eri wasn't sure how the hot-headed Avatar would take it.

"What if we march in with an army of highly trained badger moles?" Wu asked the council. Eri raised an eyebrow at Mako who just shrugged in frustration. After looking at Izumi's cross face he shrunk a bit in his chair, "Do we know if Kuvira has any allergies?"

"Look, I think we all know what must be done. We take the fight to her." Raiko interrupted the prince's floundering.

"I don't believe attacking is the right move," Tenzin's eyebrows were knit with worry. "She hasn't done anything aggressive toward the United Republic."

"Not yet, but Kuvira can't be trusted," Lin cut in. "She told us that she was going to turn over power, and she didn't. I'm with Raiko. I say we go on the offensive and start by retaking Zaofu."

The doors slid open with a squeak and Eri internally groaned at the site of Korra and Opal. So much for avoiding an argument.

"President Raiko I'm sorry to interrupt but- What's going on here?" Korra looked aback at the site of the world leaders together.

 "Oh hey Avatar Korra. Just kicking it world leader style, trying to figure out what to do about Kuvira. For the record, Eri and I told Raiko he should've invited you." Wu said with his finger pointed up. For once Eri was grateful he was always the first to get a word in. 

Korra gave Eri a grateful glance then turned to Raiko and gestured toward Wu, "You invited him but not me?"

"Please Korra, it's not personal.We just thought perhaps we called you back into action a little too soon." Tenzin replied, ever the diplomat.

"Again- him, not me?" Korra looked disgusted and Eri couldn't blame her.

Raiko stood frustrated, "Korra, we're in the middle of a meeting, and we can't have people just barge in whenever they want!"

Eri gave Raiko a glare and was about to speak on Korra being the avatar not just 'some person'. She was rudely interrupted by a loud yell from the entry.

"OH PERFECT! YOU'RE ALL HERE!" Bolin yelled as he ran into the room.

"Bolin-?" Eri's voice was added to Opal, Korra, and Mako's who all spoke at the same time.

"What are you doing here?" Raiko asked. He was getting more upset by the minute. "Guards! Remove these traitors!"

"No! We escaped Kuvira's army! We're back on your side now!" Bolin struggled.

"Raiko-" Eri stepped forward to Varrick and Bolin.

"We have top secret information for you!" Bolin continued yelling. Raiko nodded for their release. "Listen to me. Kuvira is making this thing that goes... BABOOMAHHH! I don't know how it works but it has this... bwawawawa-"

"It's a super weapon!" Varrick interrupted Bolin's sounds. "Like a regular weapon, only super."

"And let me guess, it has something to do with spirit vines," Korra added at the end. 

Eri let out a sigh, it's never easy is it?

"Yes! How did you know?" Varrick asked her.

"I saw a vision of her taking spirits from the swamp." 

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