Long Live the Queen

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Eri was chained, her feet and hands bound. They were all connected down the middle and a muzzle similar to Korra's was strapped around her neck. She wasn't a dragon bender but the earth nation soldier's didn't seem to care what she had to say. 

She was stumbling behind Asami and in front of a contained Korra. The chains were too short and she had to hunch over to move, her back was aching. 

"You have to believe me!" Korra yelled at the balloon captain as they stepped onboard. The captain didn't seem to care at all for what she had to say. Eri rolled her eyes at the man, this whole thing was ridiculous. They needed to get to Zaheer before he could hurt the earth queen, not dealing with her stupid rules. 


They were in the chamber together. Eri had already been chained tightly to the floor and was lying in a ball trying to keep her restraints as loose as possible. It was Asami's turn and she was asking if she could be chained to a railing. Eri was grateful she could lie on the floor for the ride, if she had to hobble over any longer she might do something she'd regret. 

The man left with a shrug after clasping Asami's chains to the railing on the wall. 

"I cannot believe you got me arrested," Eri grumbled. "This is insane. I didn't even help you steal the air benders." 

Asami grimaced, "Sorry you got wrapped up in this."

"We weren't even stealing them! They weren't property!" Korra was exasperated.

Eri shrugged - or at least tried to with the tight restraints, "I agree with that, but I'm still annoyed. Anyone have a plan here?"

Asami smiled, "It's a good thing these airships Cabbage Corps made are cheap. Just give me a sec." 

Eri watched amazed as Asami jumped up and pressed her feet against the wall. The pressure causing the rail to break off the wall. She showed incredible dexterity by jumping over the railing and loosening her chains off of it. 

"Well now I wish I'd asked to stand too. Good work Asami!" Eri said from her place on the floor. 

Asami used the rail to pull up a piece of the metal flooring and looked back at the girls. Give me 5 minutes then call for help.

They waited in silence, both of them not sure what to say. Their relationship was.. weird to say the least. Eri was opinionated on everything and Korra was just as head strong. The stress of Zaheer loomed over them and Eri couldn't help but wish things wouldn't be this awkward for much longer.

"You want to be the hurt one or shall I?" Eri asked trying to break the silence.

Korra chuckled, "I'll call out to them. If you just close your eyes you'll look sick enough to trick them. You don't look comfortable at all."

"Sounds good to me. I think it's been five minutes," Eri looked up at Korra who nodded. 

"Help! My friend needs help! Something's wrong!" Korra called out. Eri shut her eyes quickly as the guard opened the eye slot to look in. It was only a split second longer when Asami knocked the man over the head and took his keys.

She opened the door and made quick work of releasing the girls. Eri stood and stretched, her spine cracking as she did. 

"Oh thank the spirits, I can't wait to get off this ship," Eri said leading the way to the control room.

Their trip through the ship was short and Korra stepped up to kick the door in. She was quick to push the men back with her airbending. They'd agreed that firebending was unnecessary seeing as they were all just following orders. Eri had to agree but it didn't mean she wasn't disappointed. 

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