A Long Time Coming

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Eri stepped down the gangplank and looked around her. The busyness of Republic City was extremely overwhelming for her senses. She'd been alone in the woods for over six months. The other five that had gone into the mountain spent as much time as they could with her but the Red Lotus didn't like when they left for too long, especially at the beginning. Bolin had gained the trust of the new leader of the Red Lotus and had finally gained the information they'd needed.

The group of six that went onto the mountain together came out closer than they had entered. Nights around the campfire were spent swapping stories about where the came from. Rao had even come out of his shell. His tough exterior had melted away to show a kind and quiet man who was just nervous around new people. Loshi had been the one to get through most of his grumpy exterior. They had entered the mountain under the guise of a couple and left it as a real one. Eri was constantly holding back a laugh at how sweet the once grumpy man was towards the girl. He had even tried to crack a joke once but no one was ready for it and it had taken them all a full minute to realize what he'd said. "Secret Tunnel" was now a hilarious inside joke they'd all gained that would take way too long to explain to anyone if they'd asked.

"We have a few days of R&R before we head to the next location," Eri told the others as they walked off the ship. All of them had packs on their backs and were looking excitedly at the city. "We've been welcomed to stay at Air Temple Island for the duration of our time here. I figured we could get some dinner in town then head back for the night."

The others gave her a dead panned stare. "Or... you guys can do what you want tonight and have fun. I'll see you tomorrow?"

The group dispersed immediately. They'd all been locked up so long with their Red Lotus duties, a night on the town was right up their alleys. Bolin had stayed behind to deal with erupting political changes within the Earth Kingdom and to be nearby in case they needed him to see the new Red Lotus leader again.

Eri found herself alone in the park staring up at the statue of Korra. She chewed slowly on a kebob she'd bought nearby, savoring every minute of the flavors. She'd been eating dried foods for so long she forgot food could taste like anything other than powder. 

Her eyes were closed taking in the taste so it was extremely surprising when a voice from behind her, "Do you always sit alone in a park eating kebobs?"

Eri threw her kebob into the water and turned, white flames ready in her palms in a second. 

"Woah, relax! It's just me," Mako stood in front of her, hands up in surrender with a terrified look on his face.

Eri dropped her hands immediately and groaned, "Mako! You made me throw my kebob!"

"Um, sorry?" Mako put a hand nervously behind his neck.

Eri seemed to realize who she was talking to and jumped over the bench she had been sitting on and pinned him to the ground with a hug. They laid there for a moment when she noticed that he hadn't returned the hug and she was about to push herself up when he broke from his shocked state and hugged her back just as hard. He placed his face in the crook of her neck and took a deep breath.

"I can't believe you're here," he whispered. His breath lightly brushed her skin causing her to shiver.

"It's so good to see you," she mumbled into his chest. "Should we get up or..."

Mako blushed and lifted her up as he stood, "Look at you. You look different."

"I know, my scar has really-" Eri began.

"No, I mean, you just seem.. happier." He looked at her putting a finger on his chin in thought.

She shrugged, "I guess that would be because I am."

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