The Dinner

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Eri and Mako stood with Lin in the cafeteria waiting for Korra's arrival. Wu was speaking to Raiko's wife about something that had to do with seaweed wraps.

"I can't wait till he's gone and then I can go back to being a detective again," Mako leaned his head against the wall.

"About that.." Lin looked upset to be telling him whatever news she had. Eri raised a worried eyebrow. "You're going to Ba Sing Se with Wu. It's over my head."

"Excuse me?" Eri couldn't believe her ears.

"No!" Mako exclaimed at the same time.

"He asked Raiko. Said he doesn't know what he'd do without you. My hands are tied," Lin shrugged then, looked to Eri, "Maybe you can say something?"

"You bet I will," Eri put a hand gently on Mako's arm. "I promise. I'm not living in Ba Sing Se and you're not leaving me behind either."

"This can't be happening! I'm not even an Earth Kingdom citizen! I work for the Republic City Police Department."

"Not anymore," Lin shrugged. "You're just a pawn in Raiko's diplomatic game. You can try talking to him but I doubt he'll let you quit."

"Oh he will be hearing from me," Eri growled. No way was Raiko taking her partner away for his own selfish gain. Eri would make Mako a Fire Nation citizen and take him away faster than Raiko could ask for forgiveness.

Mako was silent as he dealt with the new burden of Wu's request. A man came into the room announcing a Southern Water Tribe ship entering the harbor. The group ran outside in excitement to see Korra and Tonraq again.


Naga came bounding out of the ship and pinned Eri to the ground.

"Easy girl!" Eri laughed as Mako gently helped her up and pushed Naga back.

"Tonraq. It's good to see you. All of us are excited to see the Avatar again," Tenzin said shaking Tonraq's hand.

"What do you mean?" Tonraq's eyebrow rose. "Korra's not here?"

"Isn't she with you?" Tenzin asked.

"Korra left the South Pole six months ago. She wrote me letters and said she was here."

"I assure you, Korra isn't here," Tenzin said, worry evident in his voice.

Tonraq sighed, "Then, where is she?"


It was the day before the coronation. Eri stood in the lobby of the hotel all the nobles would be staying at. She was dressed in her ministerial robes and was busy welcoming everyone to the hotel. As Minister to Peaceful Relations, Eri was told by Zuko to uphold their relationships with the other nations.

"Desna, Eska, lovely to see you again," Eri bowed to the twins.

"We see you managed to escape capture," Eska said briskly.

"Uh, yeah. That was three years ago," Eri said blushing.

Desna shrugged, "Kidnappings can last longer than that you know. Have you found your mate yet? The proposal stands."

"Sorry Desna, I've found my... mate," Eri grimaced at the word.

"She is with the boring police officer," Eska said. "A strong choice. You will have decent children."

Eri was sweating at how uncomfortable this conversation was making her. "Oh, I don't want children."

"Makes sense. The trauma you were exposed to as a child made you unwilling to be a mother," Desna responded smoothly.

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