The Ultimatum

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"I don't like this," Tonraq said looking at the girl.

"Me neither!" Bolin added from behind him.

Eri was sitting atop Ayano just outside the desert village. She had told Zuko her idea then ran to her dragon to make sure she was prepared for the journey ahead. 

"I have to go. I have to help them if I can. I'll scout the place first, if it looks like the nomads are gone I'll leave but I can't wait to see what happens. Ayano is faster than your balloons, I'll beat you there by hours in case you can't get ahold of them through the radios. Zuko, you told me to trust my instincts. This is what my gut is telling me to do." Eri looked to the others, "I know you will do everything that you can. I can't stand by and let Zaheer get away again."

"We all feel that way, but we have to be smart about this. No one can protect you if you go," Lin looked concerned for the girl, and her expression was shared by many of the others.

"How can I let you go while we just try and get the radio working?" Korra asked her friend, "Let me come with you."

"No, you need to warn Tenzin and stay away from Zaheer. We need to learn his plan first Korra. Don't let him trick you. I'll try to help the nomads in case you can't get through. I'll see you all very soon." Eri looked to Zuko, "I'll keep in touch. Be safe. All of you."

The others shared a look but decided they couldn't talk the girl out of it. Zuko knew this is what he had trained her for, but that didn't mean he wasn't worried for her. As the others left, Mako stepped up to her. His head reached her knee as she was high up in the saddle. 

"You have to make it out okay," Mako told her. "Can't I go with you? Make sure you're alright?"

"No, Ayano can only carry one for that long of a distance. Besides, you need to keep an eye on Korra and the others. You see reason when the others are more 'act first, think later'. You're needed here." Eri smiled at him.

"You're one to talk, you're about to go after a group of murdering zealots alone," Mako said in disbelief.

"Murdering zealots I've been training my life to fight. One of which is my mother, in case you forgot. I know how to handle myself. Just don't dally if something goes wrong. And I won't be alone, I'll have the other nomads to help me. I'll be safe, don't worry," Eri leaned down and placed a slightly awkward angled kiss on his head. 

Mako's face turned a bright shade of red, "Fine, but for the record I'm not happy about this."

"Note taken," Eri said, nudging Ayano forward. "I'll see you soon."


The flight was long. Eri tightened the strap that attached to her feet as they'd gone loose in the last few hours. She was hoping against all hope that she could beat Zaheer to the temple, or that Korra and the others had gotten through to them in time. She had fallen asleep an hour into the ride, Ayano knew the way to the temple and Eri trusted her to get them where they needed to go. 

Ayano let out a huff as the mountains came into sight. "Almost there huh?" Eri asked her dragon. A pit in her stomach grew, her nerves made her feel like her skin was crawling. This was feeling eerily like the end and she didn't know what to think. What happens if we do defeat them. What do I do then? What if I can't do it. What if... No. No more what ifs. I will do all that I can or die trying. That is the outcome, she thought to herself.

The temple was ahead, only about a mile away now, and something was very wrong. There was an air balloon over the island and explosions were happening below. She was too late, the nomads were under attack.

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