Ending the Journey of Travels

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Zuko flipped through the pile of photographs that had grown over the past few months. Eri was sending him letters almost daily with updates of their trip and she made sure to put a photo in each one. She'd splurged on buying a camera before they left, wanting to remember all the moments as well as share where she went with her Uncle.

 Zuko couldn't help but smile at the goofy smile she wore while on Kyoshi Island. They'd returned to the Misty Palms Oasis, visited Bolin at Ba Sing Se, sent a group photo with all the air benders at the Northern Air Temple. They visited the Swamp Benders as a way to extend relations with the Fire Nation as well as see their home (Eri said they hadn't stayed long due to the bugs). They'd decided against going to the Southern Water Tribe out of respect for Korra's wish to be alone. They did go to the Northern Water Tribe and Deska was upset to see her in such a happy relationship. They'd visited the ruins of the Western Air Temple and were now making their way to the Fire Nation's Royal Palace. They were currently leaving the guest house on Ember Island and making their way across the water to see him.

The Fire Nation Palace was the final destination on their trip and Zuko couldn't wait to see Eri. It had been over a year and a half since he'd seen her. He was happy to get updates from her so often, and was surprisingly happy that she had picked Mako to be her partner. After seeing them together at the Misty Palms Oasis he had hoped they might kindle something bigger. 

A guard walked into his study as he put down the most recent photo of Eri and Mako on the beaches of Ember Island. "My lord, your ward has arrived with her partner."

"Excellent!" Zuko stood, "Please show me to them."

"They are in the tea room," the man said and led the way. He bowed just outside the room and Zuko walked in.

"Uncle!" Eri exclaimed and jumped into his arms. Zuko had missed her dearly. Their daily trainings had kept him young and her quips had worked his brain in a way he hadn't felt since his days with Toph. To say he was happy to have her home was an understatement. "It is so good to see you."

"And you my child!" Zuko smiled as he hugged her back then laid his hands on her shoulders and pushed her back so he could get a good look at her. "You look as gorgeous as ever. Travel suits you."

"It's an honor to see you again Lord Zuko," Mako stepped forward and bowed to the man. 

"I'm happy to see you again Mako. Thank you for keeping an eye on this one during your travels," Zuko laughed as Eri's mouth opened.

"I don't need watching!" She exclaimed. 

Mako shook his head, "Right. I'm sure that's exactly what was going through your head during the buffalo-yak stampede."

"Well I-" Eri started.

"Or the avalanche at the Northern Water Tribe?" Zuko added recalling the letter.

Mako smiled at the man, "Or the time you caught that fishing lure on your earlobe?"

"Maybe I just wanted a new piercing?" Eri looked between the two and was frowning with a hint of amusement.

"Or the time you nearly slipped off the edge of the Western Air Temple?" Mako continued.

"Okay enough," Eri said holding her hands up in surrender. "I suppose I might, maybe... sometimes need someone to look out for me."

"That's what I'm here for," Mako said grinning. 

Zuko smiled at their banter, "Would you care for some tea?"

"I would love some," Mako said just at the same time as Eri spoke: "I'm actually ready for a nap."

"You two have some tea. I'd like to lay down for a bit before dinner," Eri kissed Mako quickly, hugged Zuko, then left.

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