Kuvira's Gambit

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The group ran down the capital halls, hoping to find Raiko and the other world leaders as quick as they could. Bolin had nearly strangled a receptionist for their location and was racing toward the room.

He pushed the doors open with a slam. "Guys! Good! You're all here!"

"What's with you interrupting my important meetings all the time?" Raiko stood annoyed.

"Su! What are you - you're okay!" Korra hugged the metal bender, "I'm so sorry about Zaofu."

Eri ran up to Mako who stood and instantly made his way to her side, "I missed you."

"Look at you!" Mako smiled, pulling her away from him to look her up and down. "Not a single scratch! You're getting good."

"More like I wasn't put into a lot of the action... but thanks honey," Eri said with a shy smile. Mako gave her a quick kiss then their attention was brought back to meeting at hand. 

"How did you escape?" Korra asked them.

"Opal, Beifong, Eri and I rescued everyone but we had a run in with Kuvira. We saw her super spirit weapon up close. Like, really close. Way too close. Opal, Eri, and I almost got incinerated!"

Mako rose an eyebrow at Eri, "Not a lot of action, huh?"

Eri gave a sheepish grin but her attention was grabbed by Tenzin, "Is she going to use it against Republic City?"

Zhu Li stepped up, "Yes, I found out she's going to attack in two weeks."

Bolin pointed to the scientist, "Oh! And Zhu Li is on our side now. Actually she never really switched sides, and I'm gonna let her explain the whole thing, Zhu Li?"

"I pretended to be loyal to Kuvira so I could sabotage her weapon. It didn't work but I did overhear her plans to attack," Zhu Li looked down.

Raiko was peeved, "I knew she wouldn't stop at Zhaofu."

"My guess is, she's coming by rail." Lin assumed. "It's the only way she can transport that weapon."

"Then let's cut the rail lines," Korra stepped in.

"I agree, but let's get as many citizens evacuated before we do. Put out the announcement. The evacuation is now mandatory," Raiko ordered Mako.

"We're on it," Mako agreed.

"Don't worry, Mr. President. I won't let Kuvira take our city," Korra's words ended the conversation and everyone went to their duties. 


Eri spent her evening aboard Iroh's boat, helping organize the ships for the attack. 

"I can't believe we're cousins. I mean it always felt like it-" Iroh began.

"But now it's by blood. So weird huh?" Eri smiled. "I promise to not go all 'Azula' on you."

"I promise to not go all 'young Zuko' on you," Iroh said with a laugh. 

The two stood in front of a large table map of Republic City and her waterways. 

"I say the boats each take a spot along the harbor. For now, if there's anyone we miss in the evacuation they can sit aboard the boats. They'll be safer than the buildings," Eri pointed to docking stations. "We'll move all the refugees to two of the hot air balloons and send them to the Fire Nation until it's safe here again."

"That would mean less defenses for the city," Iroh countered.

"The heart of the city is its citizens, not it's buildings," Eri argued. 

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