Settling In

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A/N: this chapter is pretty much filler and does contain some smut. I put a note before it and just after it's done so you can read around it if you'd like! There's no story plot change and I don't want to trigger anyone. ❤️

The apartment had been lovingly and thoroughly filled with art and Eri's small amount of belongings. The space for Ayano on the roof was not only perfect for the dragon, but a massive botanical garden Eri couldn't wait to explore and relax in.

It took the weekend to move Mako into the new space. They sat at the counter eating kabobs from Eri's favorite stall, it was their last evening before returning to work.

"Well.. back to the real world," Eri sighed.

"It will be good once we start working again. It'll be hard the first week but the routine will feel good," Mako held her hand.

"Since when has either of our lives been routine?" Eri blinked at him.

"As routine as we're allowed to have? We're starting our lives together. I'm grateful for every minute we get, no matter how we spend it," Mako leaned forward. Eri thought he was going in for a kiss and shut her eyes. She groaned at the sound of him biting into her kebob instead.

"Such a romantic.." Eri rolled her eyes.

"Sorry," Mako said with a look that said he was anything but. He stood to clean up the dinner mess. He kept his back to her cleaning their plates in the sink.

Eri wrapped her arms around his waist and put her head on his back, taking in his scent. Her hands trailed up and down his stomach feeling the defined muscle beneath his shirt.

"You know it drives me crazy when you do that," Mako hummed as he scrubbed the plate.

Eri smiled, "maybe that's the point?"

Mako placed the plate back in the basin and turned around, Eri's arms never dropping from around him.

"Well," Mako's voice deepened. "I guess I'll just have to show you how crazy you make me."

**(Now would be the time to skip!)

"I'm waiting," Eri looked up at him with a mischievous glint in her eye.

That was enough for Mako. He bent his knees, gripping her thighs and placing her on his hip. Eri's legs wrapped tightly around his waist, her arms slid around his neck.

As he made his way to their bedroom Eri placed gentle kisses along his jawline, then moved down his neck. Mako hurried his pace across the apartment as she moved with more ferocity.

When he entered their room Mako placed her on the edge of the bed. She was wearing the evening slip she'd thrown on as soon as they got home from their walk. One of the thin gold straps fell off her shoulder. The dress sat loosely at the middle of her thighs.

Mako threw his own loose shirt over his head, his pants sitting on his waistline. He knelt in front of her, "You alright with this?"

Eri laughed softly, "Of course I am. It's nothing new."

Mako shrugged, "I will ask you every time for the rest of forever."

Eri felt tears wanting to come from behind her eyes. The meaning in his words was huge. Her time with the Lotus had made her accustomed to letting people do what they wanted to her. Mako never wanted to take advantage of that.

"Just another reason to add to why I love you," she whispered. She leaned back on her elbows as Mako kissed the inside of her thigh.

"Do you keep a list?" Mako asked against her skin.

"A mental one," Eri nodded. "I count the reasons I love you every night before I sleep. Gives me good dreams."

Mako blew on her skin, slowly working his way to her core. "Tell me the list."

"You just want me to pump your ego," Eri chided but smiled at the request.

"No," Mako kissed her again. "I want to know what's missing from the list so I can work to add more things to it."

Eri let out a dreamy sigh, "One, you care about the way you show your love down to the smallest detail."

Mako moved in closer. One hand found its way behind her back.

"Two, you make me feel safe."

He laid a finger on her lips, waiting to be welcomed in.

"Three, how warm you feel. Even in the South Pole you radiate heat."

She opened for him. His finger now rested on her core, barely moving. Eri could feel her stomach tighten at the feeling.

"Four, you make me happier than I've ever been."

Slowly he moved his finger in a circle. His mouth placing soft kisses on her upper thigh.

"Five, you make me feel like this," her voice was barely a whisper. Her eyes were shut, taking in every move he made.

"Like what?" His own voice a growl.

"You make me forget everything in the world except for you and then it all just feels okay."

"Then let me make you forget everything." Mako moved his mouth against her. He moved gently at first then with more ferocity as he felt her hips move against him with every movement. After he welcomed her into a feeling of bliss, he crawled over her. One arm under her lower back, the other behind her head. He pulled her to the pillows on their bed. She looked up at him with eyes clouded in desire.

The two of them spent their evening together. In every shape of the word.

**No need to skip anymore!

The next morning they were up early, dressing for their roles. Mako wore his normal detective outfit. Eri's was more elaborate with various ties and clasps. Her clothes leaned toward traditional but with her own personal flare. Her collar sat high on her neck. The flame hair piece sat on her half bun.

"You look absolutely gorgeous," Mako grinned at his partner. "Please let me walk you to work."

"I know how to get there," Eri said, oblivious to the look on his face.

"I know. I want people to see me with you," Mako stepped toward her and pulled her into his chest. "And I know you're nervous for your first day. Please."

Eri couldn't deny him, "Fine. If you insist."

"I do," Mako placed a kiss to her forehead. "Shall we go?"

Eri nodded and walked toward the Capitol with Mako's hand in hers. Members of the press took their photos as they walked but they'd long since cared. Eri's new position came with media coverage, and since their relationship was approved of by the Fire Lords, neither of them cared to act any different or hide from them.

"I'll be just across the street," Mako kissed Eri on the top stair outside the building. "I love you."

"I love you too," Eri kissed him back gently then turned with her chin high and entered the building.

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