A Reunion Long Awaited

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"You're my.. what?" Eri didn't believe the words he'd spoken. Why was he in the spirit realm? What had he done to deserve coming here?

All Eri had ever known of her father was what P'Li and Zaheer had told her. She never knew what the truth was but she'd always just believed their stories.

After years of asking all she'd ever been told was he died a noble death for the Red Lotus. He died fighting for what they believed in so she could have the future they dreamed about.

This man couldn't have been as violent as she'd been told. Friendly bunny spirits bounced around him as if he were an old friend.

"I know it's a lot to take in. I've been waiting to meet you until the time was right," Azak smiled gently. "I want to answer all your questions. I want to get to know you Eri."

"You left." Eri looked the man in the eyes. Tears were already pooling in them, "You left me with her. Were you really a member of the Lotus?"

"I was, when I was younger. When I'd first met your mother. I didn't die a member though Eri," Azak looked concerned. "What were you told?"

"P'Li said you died so the Lotus could continue on. She made me worship your death like a martyr. She always told me you were the reason I should fight for her, so you didn't die in vain."

Azak's eyes flashed in anger at the idea, "She lied to you Eri. How can I prove it to you."

"She lied a lot over the years. I just want to hear the truth," Eri watched as a pot of tea appeared on the table near Iroh's hut. The same one he had served her tea at when she was kidnapped years earlier.

"Tea?" Azak chuckled. They walked together to the table and sat across from each other. Eri poured the tea for them both. "I promise to answer every question you have as honestly as I can."

"Not to sound blunt, but how did you end up in the spirit world? From what I hear, it's hard to end up here after death," Eri gestured to the realm around them.

Azak laughed, "Yes, it was quite a surprise for me as well if I'm honest. Zaheer and I used to be great friends. We found solace in discovery. Constantly looking for ways to enter the spirit world, wanting to learn more. In time, my transcendence and understanding of this world became different from his. He saw it as a place to escape and use. I found it as a sanctuary, the spirits became my friends. They taught me peace through balance of mind and body. To allow others to do as they will to find their own peace."

"So you both found different definitions of peace," it made sense so far to Eri.

Azak nodded, "We came from similar family homes. Unwanted and unloved. We constantly searched for something better. For a reason for why our lives ended up the way they did."

"What do you mean unwanted? What were my grandparents like?" Eri leaned forward. She'd never given it too much thought, but now the answers were ripe for the taking.

"I'm sure you know more of them than you think," Azak sipped his tea, as if collecting himself to answer in the best way. "My mother was.. lost. Her mind had slipped away after years of torture and torment by her father. She was locked away for what she'd done to others."

"What do you mean? If she was locked up.. how were you-?"

"A guard," Azak smiled at the memories of his father. "He fell in love with her. When they found out she was pregnant he had to sneak me out into the night and run away. They were so afraid of what would happen to me if I stayed in the prison. I didn't learn why until much later."

"Where did he run to?" Eri was at the edge of her seat from his story. She watched as his face changed with memories. He seemed genuine in his answers.

"He found the red lotus compound in the woods. They welcomed him. Taught him to hate the establishment. He died when I was young in a coup that went wrong." Azak's eyes clouded at the thought.

"Why did he.. why was he so against establishment?" Eri couldn't completely make sense of the reason he had run away instead of staying in the Fire nation to find help.

"Because of your grandmother's family. They had such power, they would've taken me away from my father. At least, that's what he believed." Azak smiled softly, "I know now that to not be true as well."

"Oh my spirits-" realization hit Eri in the gut.

Azak nodded, "Your grandmother is Azula. P'Li refused to acknowledge my background. When she found out I could have a claim to the throne, even though I didn't want it, and in turn so could you.."

"She killed you," Eri whispered. "She made me hate you. Taught me for years you were the reason I was trained the way I was."

Azak nodded, "She murdered me so she could mold you in the way Zaheer wanted. I was trying to steal you away from them the night she killed me."

"So that means-" Eri was cut off by a familiar voice behind her.

"You're my niece!" Iroh exclaimed. "I'd like to officially welcome you to the family."

Iroh placed a hand on both Azak and Eri's shoulders, "The eyes make sense now right?"

"Actually.. no," Eri blushed. She'd never understood the blue flames. The blue irises even though she came from firebenders.

"Azula's power. The blue flames, they manifest in your eyes. The window to your soul, and your soul is connected to great fire bending power." Iroh laughed at the two shocked faces before him, "It runs in the family."

Eri hesitated and looked at the two men before her, "does that mean I'll go crazy? Like she did?"

"Of course not," Iroh waved her off.

"So.." Azak wrung his hands. "Do you believe me?"

Eri glanced at Iroh who gave a slight nod, "I do. I'm sorry I've hated you for so long."

Both of them stood, Eri gasping at his embrace, "It was never your fault. I've want to say this for some time now, but, I love you Eri."

Tears stung her eyes, she didn't know what to say.

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