The Sleepover (Part One) Hyperness

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The Sleepover (Part One) Hyperness


"May still looks angry but determined to beat the pants off the grass whilst Drew looks amused and is looking evil with the shadows casting across his face and the way he lets out what I'm guessing a chuckle,"I narrate in a deep voice, holding up an imaginary microphone to my mouth, narrating the scene.

"They both sweatdrop at me, looking very uncomfortable with me narrating their every move-and Oh! They've decided I'm disturbing them and Drew thinks I've ruined the moment,"I continue. I giggle before running after May,"May, I'm just kidding ya know!"

"Oh, really?"I nod,"Wow, your voice can go really low. Anyways, why'd you follow me?"I smile, plan's going into action.

"Do you want to stay at the resort with me for a sleepover a couple days before the contest? My best friend, Bella, is there too she just doesn't like to have fun!"I pout, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Sure! I'll just tell the guys so we can make plans,"May informs me before catching up with her friends.

~Le Time Skip of Boredom~

May comes back,"They said I'd have to sleep over the day before the contest if I want to beacause for the rest of that we have plans... Is that okay with you?" I nod my head, understanding her situation.

"We'll meet up here around this time a day before the Pokemon Contest then. Now go and have some fun with your friends! Besides, I gotta go to bed right now so I can train early,"I tell her, smiling at her.

"Okay!" She walks off before breaking into a run towards her friends. I smile, Now, I need to plan the sleepover because it's gonna be epic!

~Ze Time Skip to the Day Before Le Contest~

May, Ash, Max and Brock walk over to the beach while I'm playing in the waves, splashing around with my Eevees. We're half practicing and half playing but we're one hundred percent having fun! I laugh then notice the group of friends. I run over to them, returning my Eevees for a while, waving at them, the refreshing water splashes up with every step I take.

"May!"I yell.

"E, Hi! I just need to talk to Ash, Max and Brock for a second... If you don't mind,"May says, as if asking me for permission.

"I don't mind at all besides, I can't stop you,"I tell her, placing a hand on my hip.

"Thanks, I'll only be a moment."

I see them talking for a while but begin to grow bored. I notice the water, my eyes begin to shine at an amazing idea, I'm going to surf May! Don't wo~rry! But... I need to test something out...

I take an Earth-bending stance and begin to bend earth from the rock Drew was on top of when the two met. A fair amount of Earth comes up, my eyes gleam with excitement, Yasssssssss! Arceus, thank you!

I cut the rock down to shape it into a board. I hope no one notices... Nah! Why would anyone suspect of Me? I smile as I charge for the calm water again. Sure there are hardly any waves but taking a dip in the water is refreshing. I wonder...

I lay on the Earth surfboard, passing my left hand through the crystal blue water. Now, let's see... I stand up straight, moving my legs apart a bit and stretching my arms out in a stance, I move my arms amd hands, the water begins to move and float out from its usual position. Arceus, thank you for allowing me to use my gifts... I move the water from underneath me, gliding with ease. I close my eyes, blasting off to full power with the water, I feel the rush of air. I open my eyes and flip my board, I freeze it once its vertical, also freezing the water which is now horizontal.

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