Extra Credit: The PokéKnights(Part 2)

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Me: *is still running around with donuts in hands* I wrote too much that I kept having to recharge my phone, my hand fell asleep, and I nearly fell asleep!

Drew: I give up on any hope for you ever becoming normal and letting us outta here -____-

Me: Good, now let's start!


/\Time Skip to the Next Day's Afternoon/\

~May's POV~

"So, have you all chosen what you'd like to volunteer in?" Cynthia asks, looking over all of us to make sure we're all here.

"Yes, we have." Both Drew and I reply at the same time. I narrow my eyes and glare at him, he does the same.

"Well, what is it that you choose?"

"We choose to be in Battle of the Bands." Yet again, we both say the same thing, at the same time.

"Grrr, why don't you stop repeating what I say?" I growl at Drew, annoyed at what had just happened, lifting my fist up in front of me.

"Then stop repeating what I say," He replies back, closing his eyes and smirking as though this was any simple matter to resolve.

"Grrr... Huh?" I feel hands place themselves on my shoulders, stopping me from charging at Drew with all the fire I have in me. I turn around and see my friends' faces, showing in their eyes that it's not worth getting into more trouble. I inhale and exhale slowly, my eyes closed as I try to calm myself down, opening them to see a slightly confused Drew. "Fine," I mutter.

"Battle of the Bands is in two weeks," Cynthia says simply, handing us two slips of paper," Here is your registration application, see you two in two weeks."

*At the dorm*

"Hey May?" Elize asks, cracking my bedroom door open a little.

"Yeah?" I ask, pushing the book on contests that Max got for me away.

"I wanna show you something, c'mon," She whisper yells, signalling for me to follow her.

*On the way to where Elize wants to show May something*

"We're close, we can run there," Elize states, beginning to run with me close. Just as I'm about to question where we're going, I spot a familiar house. It has many glass windows, a huge front yard, different colored flowers carefully placed in a familiar mural of a rainbow and a creature near it. My eyes widen, realizing what it is: Bella and E's house. One thing's off though. It's deserted.

"I found this house on my daily walk... Hey is that a pokémon?" Elize asks, running off into a direction, I don't follow her, knowing she can take care of herself.

I wander into the house, opening the door slowly, hoping that they really are here, but I don't believe that for a second. I wander around, going upstairs and opening all the doors, finding everything destroyed and dull so far. I spot a door I haven't opened yet, twisting the knob and being blinded by a rainbow of colors.

I use my left arm to shield my eyes, soon lowering it to look around, seeing where I am: the Music Room. I see that all the instruments seem to have vanished. That is, all but one: the guitar I played the first time I was even in here is resting on a wall. "Wha-what happened here?" I ask myself, seeing one of E's pokéball charm bracelets sitting on the green stool.

I make my way to the guitar, picking it up and examining it, It's pretty busted up, I conclude, strumming it softly, its sound not as loud as it was before. I see a small bookcase tucked away in a corner, holding many binders, I haven't noticed before. A certain binder catches my eye, I reach out for it, pulling it out and opening it.

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