May Meet Drew

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Well... I don't see anyone that might be special to me on the beach. There's that girl who told me I'd meet a 'special' person and three boys with a girl, they're all facing away from me.

The girl turns slightly, half facing me. She has brown hair, beautiful sapphire eyes, a red bandanna, a red blouse , navy blue shorts and red and yellow shoes. I feel my face grow hot, huh? Why am I blushing? I notice she has a Beautifly perched on her head, That's funny beacause I have a Masquiren... Looks like they're practicing for the contest in two weeks...

The brunette catches two frisbees she threw at her Beautifly whom blew three back at her with gust.

The third flies behind her, Idiot. It heads straight for me, I close my eyes and wait. Time to show them my awesomeness... I hope I don't make a fool of myself...


He simply catches it... With his eyes closed. All of us are surprised, how could he have seen that?"I'm sorry!"I apologize, running towards his direction, him on higher ground than me.

"Please don't tell me you're using a cheesy act like that in the contsest," He says in an arrogant voice, twirling the disc with his finger before flinging it towards the ground.

My face hardens but he continues, "You see, you and your pokémon have no moves.

"Well who are you to tell me that?"I ask, my hands turning into fists.

"If ya must know I'm Drew, Pokémon Coordinator,"He says, hands in his pockets with a smirk plastered on his face.

"Really? Hey, he's just like you May,"Ash comments.

"Please, no comparison,"He turns to face me,"You see, you and your pokémon here have no style."

"Hey! You can make fun of me all you want but don't you dare make fun of my pokémon!"I yell at him, growing angrier every second he's here.

"Woah, calm down little girl,"He simply states, smirking at me, placing his hand in my face. His little action makes my blood boil.

I charge towards him, ready to attack and rip him apart. He keeps his hand there, pushing me back calmly.


I notice Drew comes, makes May mad and she charges at him. I smile, This is when they meet, finally! I rush over to the group, my Sylveon trailing along. They don't notice me since all their fury is directed at Drew.

"I think you children outta be on your way,"Drew informs them with a smirk. Man, he smirks a lot. This time, I'm mad, How dare he!

"Hey, you're a child too so stop acting like you're better than everyone! Besides, why would they need to leave?"I question even though I already know the answer. They notice my presence but I still remain behind May with Brock, Ash and Max.

"This a private beach reserved for people like me staying at that resort there,"He informes us, jerking his thumb towards the resort behind him.

"Oh, I didn't know that,"I say, placing a finger up to my chin, tilting my head slightly. Does he not know I'm staying there, though?

"Well now you do, so you can leave now."I feel the sudden urge to send a sky-uppercut his way, but I hold myself back, not wanting to ruin their rivalry which will soon turn into love.

As May and Drew turn away to leave, she says something,"I'm guessing you'll be entering the contest too."They stop and turn their heads slightly towards each other, the sun setting and making this scene look extremely majestic.

"Brilliant guess genius,"Drew remarks with a smirk.

I watch them, my eyes are practically sparkling with excitement. I have the urge to spoil the moment... Oh well!


Author's Note: Yeah, I know. Not much action plus it being short but hey! There'll be a big amount in the next chappie! This was from the episode 'That's Flower Power!'

May: Episode? What do you mean by-?

Lovinglyfierce: *sprays her with amnesia spray*

May: *faints*

Drew: *catches her* What's wrong with you?

Lovinglyfierce: You know too much! *also sprays him with amnesia spray*

Drew: *collapses on the floor with May on top of him*

Lovinglyfierce: Awwwww! So KAWAII!!!!!!!!! Now if you'll excuse me*takes picture of them* I'm forced to go off to church for the longest 2 to 3 hours of my life!-__-^-~ Oh well! Byeeez!(^-^)/

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