Delicately Raining Eclairs And Melodic Sounds

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~May's POV~

"Goodbye!"I yell, waving my hand as I turn mid-way to see Bella abd E waving back at me, smiles in their faces. Though I notice they both have slight tears in their eyes. I wonder why that is...

You will see then again, someday...

My eyes widen once I hear a voice similar to mine speak in my mind. The only difference is that it sounds more dignified and elegant, in a way.

"You alright May? You seem deep in thought,"Max asks, walking back with me, concern in his voice. I snap out of my thoughts, quickly coming up with an excuse for my trance.

"I was just wondering when I'd get to see E and Bella again, that's all," I state simply, looking down to hide the lie clear in my eyes. Your destiny will near...

Okay, this voice is starting to creep me out... But what's it talking about? Can't I just visit their house? What destiny?

All will be answered,

You shall see,

That your destiny lies in front of thee,

Great power you shall receive,

Darkness will rise in its path,

But the only thing that will set you free is-

"May? You all right? You seemed so lost in thought that you almost walked off into the forest." I leave my thoughts and return to reality, realizing we've stopped for some lunch. I better act fast or else they'll begin to worry.

"So Brock, what's for lunch? I'm starving!" I exclaim, patting my stomach to prove my point.

~Ze Time Skip to When May Goes Off to Jhoto or However You Spell it~

"Okay, so... I go... This way..?"I ask myself as I continuously turn over my map. I sigh, slumping as I give up," This is hopeless, I've been trying to figure this out for hours!" In fustration I throw my map with great force, hearing a loud smack!

"Hey! Watch where you throw that thing!"I hear an all too familiar voice yell, I feel my heart race. I recognize that voice... It can't be, can it? A boy with green hair strolls out from a clearing.

"May? So you came to Jhoto to watch me win, huh?" He smirks at me, flipping his grass, making my blood boil once again, my map in his right hand.

"Look, you know as well as I do what I came here for. So, if you'll excuse me, I'd like to find my way around this place" I state through gritted teeth, the clouds roaring with anger.

He looks a bit surprised at my statement but smirks nevertheless, speaking with his eyes closed, "So I see you're the same forgetful May. Still don't know where the contest is, do you?" I snatch my map out of his hands once he opens his eyes, turning around to find a Pokémon Center. I walk off, not caring if that one action was rude or not, soon spotting the Pokémon Center. "Oh come on May, you can't really be mad about not finding your way, can you?"

I've had it! I spin around to face him, meeting face-to-face, only a few inches from each other's face. "Just because you think I shouldn't compete doesn't mean I should listen to you!" I yell, my face red with the anger I've kept bottled up inside. Suddenly, I feel tears forming in my eyes, "And for once I actually thought you were being nice when you asked me if I were going to Jhoto, but you're not!" With that, I run off to the Pokémon Center, holding all the tears threatening to fall, clutching my map with one hand and gripping the backpack I have slung over on my shoulder.

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