Um... Uh, sure, I guess..?

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~May's POV~

My eyes slowly open, a bright light blinding me for a couple seconds before my eyesight comes into focus. I notice I'm in a white room, two giant windows on my left and right, myself lying down on some sort of bed on wheels, a wet cloth on my forehead.

"Ugh... Why... Why am I here?" I ask myself, checking for my pokéballs. I begin to panic when I realize I don't have my fanny pack but calm down once I notice it's on a gray and black chair. I breathe in and out slowly, squeezing my eyes shut, trying to remember what had happened.

~Memory Image~

Drew's emerald eyes burning with concern and a warmth I've never seen from him... or from anyone. His hair blowing in the harsh wind, hail in the background.

~End of Memory Image~

Drew... Drew saved me? Why? Could it be that... No, May, you're just being silly. Of course he wouldn't care about you. This thought almost makes me burst into tears but I control my emotions, hearing someone opening the door.

But maybe... Just maybe, he does...

-Misty's POV-

Hm... Seems like this green-head really like May... He keeps glancing at May through the window. I wish a certain raven-haired guy would care about me like that... Quit dreaming Misty, it'll never happen. I sigh, knowing that he'll never look at me the same way I do. After all, to him I'm his best friend and nothing more, he hasn't even visited ever we split up so I can run the gym. Misty, you're over him, remember? I remind myself, though I don't believe it for a second that I really am.

"Your friend has woken up, only one person can visit at her at a time though," Nurse Joy informs us, causing Drew to shoot up from his seat and rush over to May's window. As I'm getting up, I hear Nurse Joy mumble something to herself, "I know I've seen her someplace..."

Huh? What's that supposed to mean? And why is she talking on the phone like she's been on a sugar rush?

~Drew's POV~

I look through the window, seeing May looking over at her yellow fanny pack. I take a deep breath, placing my hand on the door knob, twisting it slowly. I push the door open carefully and close it carefully, turning to May who has her eyes squeezed shut, as if trying to remember something.

"May? You alright?" I ask, my voice soft, unable to mask my cocern. She opens her beautiful sapphire eyes, filled with happiness, shining brightly, making me smile.

"Yeah, I'm alright... Hey Drew, can I ask you something?" May asks, clutching the end of her shirt.

"Yeah?" I ask, What would she ask me about?..

"What happened? All I remember was that you pulled me out of the way of that giant hail, after that everything went dark..." She explains, swinging her legs from the side of the bed thing.

"Well... You fainted so I carried you here on Flygon and here we are," I state, shoving my hands in my pockets. She looks down, hopping up from the bed, not meeting my eye.

"R-really? You wouldn't have left me there?" She looks at me, her eyes glassy. Her last question surprises me, Why would she think I'd leave her to get crushed by that giant ice cube?

"Of course I wouldn't May... I'm not as heartless as I seem," I tell her, my voice barely above a whisper. I hang my head down, not being able to meet her eye, She won't believe me...

I hear quick footsteps coming towards me, I look up just in time to see May embrace me. I feel electricity run throughout my whole body, my eyes wide in surprise."Thank you for doing that Drew," She whispers in ear before letting go, opening and closing the door behind her, leaving me shocked, still feeling her warmth.

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