The Mission (Part 1)

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_Elize's POV_

"May, calm down. We have half an hour until the bell rings and have to go," I tell my friend again, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"I know but I can't relax knowing he could be exposed to danger," She whispers to me, her voice full of anxiety and her eyes showing concern. I sigh, taking my hand off of her and return to writing my thoughts out in my blue string-bound sketchbook.

"Whatcha writin' there Sky?" A very familiar voice asks, sitting on top of the desk to my left. I close my sketchbook and place all my supplies back into the secret pouch of my bag, securing it tightly, huffing out a breath to blow my bangs out of my face.

"My name's not 'Sky', it's Elize. And you should be the one concerned about names since your name is obviously not Jason," I tell him, slinging my white bag over my shoulder, holding my sketchbook close to my chest and walk away from him. I lean on a wall with a pillar blocking the teacher's view from me, facing away from him and tapping my foot impatiently.

"How would you know?" He interrogates me, raising a brow. I sigh, rolling my eyes as he comes over and sits on the desk in front of me.

"Observation. You were lying, it's not your name, it's your nickname." I cross my arms over my chest, hugging my book tightly.

"Wel then, if I shouldn't keep secrets then neither should you," He tells me, jumping off the desk and snatching my book from me. My eyes widen and I push myself off from the wall, making sure I'm not in eyesight of the teacher.

"Give it back, moron," I growl, baring my teeth at him, my eyes narrowed. He ignores me, flipping through my book quickly, completely absorbed in it. I can't take ot anymore, I grab him by the collar and pull his face close to mine, my facial expression clearly showing anger.

"Woah, calm down Sky," He tells me, smirking at my rection, lifting his hands up in mock surrender, my book in his right hand.

"My name is not Sky, and you better give my book back right now or we're gonna have a repeat of the last time we met," I warn, anger coursing through me.

"First off, how can you hear? I thought you were deaf. And second off, what's with you getting all grabby with me?" He asks, looking curious about the hearing part but smirks on his last comment.

"There's a reason I'm wearing this headset, I designed it and tweaked it so it'll allow me to hear by changing people's voices..," I ecplain, letting go and pushing him back, lifting my knee up quickly, hitting him where no guy should be hit.

"And who said I was getting all grabby on you?" I place my hands on my hips, watching in recoil in pain, evident in his expression.

"Arceus, who raised you?" He asks, causing me to droop my head a bit, my gaze at the ground, shadows cast themselves over my eyes. Tears prick my eyes, making my throat feel like it's closing, making me thankful for my bangs to cover up my eyes.

"You don't need to know," I reply quietly, my voice barely above a whisper. We all fall silent, not quite knowing what to say, Gary still as quiet since morning. The bell rings, dismissing all the students and the teacher, leaving us ten in the classroom.

I grab my sketchbook from his hand, exiting the classroom in a hurry, shoving my book to the bottom of my bag, clutching my it's single strap tightly. I wipe away the tears from my eyes, a soft sob escaping my mouth, my friends' pattering feet following me. May places a hand on my right shoulder, asking softly, "What's wrong?"

Tears break free from the barrier I made to keep them from falling, streaming down my face. I rub them away quickly, my voice pained and hoarse, "I don't want to talk about it... I'm sorry, I just can't..." I take off running in a random direction, trying to stop the tears from falling, my vision blurry, my voice muffled by sobs.

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