Vulnerable In Some Imagination Overlap Near Somewhere...

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~ Drew's POV ~

"What do you mean she fainted? Where is she? You guys are where?! Why would you five be out there at night!" I yell into the Poképhone the academy provides for us, grabbing my purple jacket and walking out the door in a rush.

I run to the forest they're in, praying May'll be alright. I see some glowing near a lake, I run towards it, a waterfall comes into view. My heart nearly stops at the sight bofore me, I fall on my knees, trying to keep the tears from falling, Leaf, Misty and Dawn give me sad looks.

May is in the lake's water, unconscious, the water around her turning crimson. Her pokémon are out, surrounding the lake, singing softly, looking at May with worry in her eyes.


. Dawn's POV .

We all decide to sleep in the hideout, finding it would be rather hard to move May while she's in pain and unconscious. I flop onto one of the many guest rooms' bed, my dark blue hair spreading onto the pink sheets I found thrown in the basement. I turn off the lamp on my bedside table, burying myself underneath the covers, slipping into a dreamland, remembering what happened today.


"Ka~Shi~Ji~Hi~Ni~Ri~" I sang, my voice high yet loud. The floor beneath us cracked, swallowed me whole, it took me into a dark pit. I opened my eyes to see Arceus stand in front of me, a pink fan floated in front of him.

"Hikari, Haruka shall explain why I am calling you five seperately. This is your weapon you shall use to protect and fight for what's right-"

"But it's just a fan. Not that I don't love it... It just doesn't seem as useful as he other girls' weapons." I tried to tell him in the most polite way.

"So, you are basing your weapon on looks? Hikari, there is more to life than just looks," Arceus had explained, making the fan land in my hands. "You will find that this is the most powerful weapon-"

"Than the girls?" I asked hopefully.

"No. It'll be more powerful weapon you'll ever use," He continued, "I'm counting on you five. Now I must go."

"Because you have important things to do?" I asked.

"No, because I hate the color pink." He shuddered as he faded away.

"Hey! I love the color pink!" I yelled while I was sucked back to the house.

"Arceus's counting on us." I told them since tried to forget about the comment Arceus made about my favorite color.

"Then it's up to us to help in what he needs." May said confidently, her foot placed on top of a small coffee table that had appeared somehow.

"Where'd you get the coffee table May?" Misty had asked, her dagger in a sort of pouch she had wrapped around the bottom portion of her leg.

"Never mind that, let's go get something to eat while I explain the whole thing... I'll cook, don't worry guys," She assured us as she walked towards the wooden spiraling staircase. We follow her, catching her sliding down the railing abd getting to the bottom quickly, entering the kitchen. I decided to take the safest approach and walked down the steps while the others followed May's example.

I heard a couple yells and a loud 'Thump!', which caused me to run down the steps, curious to see what all the commotion was about. I saw Misty, Leaf, and Elize in a dog pilein the living room, swirls in their eyes for a few moments before they shook it off and bursted into laughter. I sweatdropped, walked past them and plopped myself down on the couch that I covered in a pink blanket.

"Guys!" May called, a delicious aroma had filled the air, it lured us into the dining room where the meal was.

/\ Time Skip /\

I spat out my water, surprise took over, "What dis you just say?!"

"Arceus wants us to fight off the evil organizations as to help with saving the world. Apparently, some of us are important for the world yet we'll all face challenges, some in which we'll have in common." I blinked, my mind tried to process what she had said.

"So who are the important people who're important to the world and in other woeds, Arceus?" I asked, interested in who they are. Instead of an answer, I recieved a shake of the head from May.

"Arceus told me that we had to figure that out ourselves. Each person holds a special place," She said, her concentration on an exquisite flower that grew outside a window.



"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" I scream, falling out of bed and hitting my head in the floor. I sit up, rubbing my temples before checking the Piplup clock I brought from my room at the dorm. We had moved some of our stuff into the hideout, deciding that if we were to habg out here, we'd need to have it more comfortable.

"Dawn!" The door flings open, smacking me in the face and smashing me into the wall.

"It would help if you could... Release the door from me," I manage to squeak out, the door moves from my face, causing me to fall forward.

"Oh, sorry Dawn! Didn't know you were behind there." I hear Misty's voice, I look up to see all dressed up and ready to go, looking down at me in concern. "You all right?"

"Of course," I reply, "No need to worry!"

"I've known you long enough to know that's when I worry the most."

I get up and shove her out the door, "I need to change, I'll meet you guys downstairs... Or at school."

A/N: In my defence for not updating, my spring break is over.

*buries head in hands* Today is and was my last day on vacation from school.

Which also means I won't be able to update as much as I had this entire week. *sighs*

Also, *cries slightly* we're testing next week.

So, I won't be able to update as much as I had.

You guys should know the drill by now *sulks*.

Dawn: We'll get her back to her 'usual' self by next chapter *uses air quotes around usual*!

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