A/N: Just Read This *smiles innocently*

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OHMYARCEUS This fan-fic has 1.38k views how the 4311 did this fr¡cken happen?!

^-^Thank you to everyone reading this Contestshipping fan-fic though it has no name *sweatdrops*.

Sadly I'm discontinuing this due to lack of imagination and creativity.


*smiles innocently* I also have to say one minor thing....

































_E's POV_

I now have a different schedule than my original one, transferred after about two weeks, walking over to my new homeroom since it's official that my hearing's gone: Prof. Oak's himeroom. I sigh, opening the door, being greeted by a sea of faces, some of which I've seen before. I begin to feel nervous, I've never liked being the center of attention, I brush this aside though, walking over to Prof. Oak, handing him my new schedule as an explanation for my tardiness.

He begins to open and close his mouth, looking at me while I look back with my usual blank expression. I blink a couple times, not comprehending what he said, pointing out the girlish pink ink on the piece of paper reading, 'New schedule as of loss of hearing'.

He nods, taking out a pen and writing in yellow-gray ink, 'Please be seated next to the fellow in the brown jacket with the sleeves rolled up'.

I nod, taking my slip and finding the guy pretty easily near the windows, girls fawning over him, staring at him with this far away look in their eyes. I roll my eyes, adjusting my blue and white headphones once I sit down, dropping my white bag on the ground, taking out a sketchbook and beginning to doodle.

_Play music_ I instruct telepathically, the music playing throughout my heart, soul, mind and body. Even though I lost the ability to hear, I haven't lost the ability to listen to music!

I sense a finger about to poke me, I quickly turn to face the guy I'm assigned to sit next to, stopping his finger with my middle and index finger. He looks surprised, having thought I'd be funny to mess around with the deaf girl. I mentally smirk, knowing how to play with this fool, I speak in a squeaky, high-pitched, fake innocent voice, "Please don't do that, thanks!" I finish with a fake, innocent smile.

I return to my business, placing my sketchbook back in its place, returning all my utensils. A gentle wind blows from outside, I hum to the song playing with my eyes closed, resting my cheek on my palm, feeling an inner happiness I haven't felt in a long time.

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