Wait What?!

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Just so you guys know, I made up the stage names.
=3rd Person POV=

May slowly opens her eyes, wearily raising her arms up to wipe the sleep away from her eyes, but stops. She notices her arms are wet, growing curious she sits up straight only to splash water around herself, her face wet. Growing worried, she shakes a sleeping Leaf who had begun to wake from the noise May had caused, bags under her eyes, her head thumping.

Leaf rubs her eyes, her hands also wet, the bags amd thumping disappears slightly. She yawns softly, sitting up straight as well, stretching her arms only to splash herself with her wet hair. They both look around themselves, Misty and Dawn sleeping peacefully, floating in the water with their hair spread out onto the water, both brunettes exchange glances.

"Nah," They speak, shaking their heads, knowing far too well that if they do wake them up, they'd recieve an unforgettable punishment.

"Wait," Leaf says suddenly, placing a hand in front of May, who was about to get up, she examines the area carefully. "Where's Elize?"

~May's POV~

We both frantically search around the place, somehow waking up Misty. "What's going on-Where are we?" She rubs her eyes, splashing Dawn in the face, "Uh-oh-"

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" We wince hearing Dawn scream, not facing her. "Aaaah-Wait what?" We all turn to see Dawn holding up a strand of her hair, its blue color shining, not the usual bed hair Dawn experiences everyday. "Hey, none of us have bed hair, take a look," Dawn pulls out a mirror from her pink bag hung from a hook nearby us, which we haven't noticed up until now.

"She's right... What's going on and where are we?"


"Weeeeeeeelcome to my Game Show, 'Ships of Today'. Today, we'll be playing 'Who Ships Who with Whom?', then, each of you shall eat a large fruit buffet later accompanied by the shippers, let's get started!" A deep voice says into a microphone with a cheery attitude.

"Uuuuh..," They all sweatdrop, smiling nervously and backing away.



"Pi?" A small voice asks, startling us all. We turn to see a small yellow pokémon with small-ish pointy ears, small black tail and pink cheeks on top of a rock.

"Huh? What's a Pichu doing here?" Dawn asks, wading over to it and stretching her arm out to pet it. Its eyes narrow, electricity sparks from ots small pink cheeks, taking a fighting stance and looking at Dawn as an enemy. Dawn, however, is oblivious to its look and stance, still going for petting the pokémon.

"Dawn, stop that, don't touch it!" Misty yells, grabbing her wrist before the Pichu could try any moves. Dawn then notices the annoyed Pichu, eyes wide she backs away, sinking down into the water so only from her eyes up is seen.

·I'm no 'it' for your information. And next time don't try to pet me!· The Pichu yells in a female voice, shocking us all except for Dawn who nearly drowns from what the Pichu said.

"Did the Pichu just... Talk?" Leaf asks, glancing at all of us with wide eyes, getting three nods in response.

"I wanna catch it!" Leaf and Dawn yell at the same time, getting out a pokéball. They narrow their eyes at each other, yelling, "NO, I'M GONNA CATCH IT, NOT YOU!" I sigh heavily, sweatdropping at their yelling.

"While you two do that, I'm going to catch that Pichu," I tell them, getting out Blaziken's pokéball and releasing him onto one of the many rocks in the water.

"What?!" They cry, stopping their fighting to witness Blaziken and I.

"Blaziken!" He roars out, stretching his arms out and showing off his flames.

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