Part 2-Dares.

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"We'll do this anonymously." Elize announces, beckoning them to sit in a circle. She goes by and sticks out the jar so the shippings and vounteers could choose at random.

=Gary's POV=

I pick out a strip of paper from the glass jar, kind of bored out of my mind after the while war thing. I was sure that the number of guys we had would overpower the number of girls. I guess we lost. And I lost my chance to kiss Leaf... How am I gonna get her to fall for me now?

I guess luck is on my side now seeing the dare I've recieved: 'Sing a song for a girl you're willing to impress'. Perfect.

"Hey guys, c'mere!" I call the guys over, a smirk plastered across my face, No doubt she'll see me more than just a childhood friend now!

"What do you want? I haven't even read the small paper yet and now you're disrupting my moment of tension," Paul growls, crushing his paper in his hands, shoving them in his pockets.

"We need to become the PokéKnights. I have a dare to sing to a girl and you guys are gonna help me," I explain, showing them my piece of paper, covering up a part so it reads: 'Sing a song to a girl'.

"Fine. But we're not gonna tell them who we are," Drew states. Flipping his hair, eyes diverting towards May for a split second. My Gary Senses tingle, telling me that there's something going on between the two coordinaters.

"I have a song I've been meaning to show you guys for a while now, I just never really found the time." I explain, grabbing the chocolate brown bag I brought up with me, rummaging through it. I pull out the for once neat black spiral we write down our songs in. It was my week to right down some lyrics for done new songs, I'd done a well enough job in doing so as well.

"Like what? Flirting wth girls and asking them out only to break theirs hearts by never showing up and making out with someone else in front of their faces?" Ash retorts, one fist in front of him with the other at his side. You can practically see the vein popping out. In all the time I've known him, this is the first time he frightens me when he's angry.

"No!" I whisper-shout, getting defensive. "I was... Doing stuff..."

"Still stalking Daisy's boyfriend?" Paul asks, knowing well that I get overprotective of my older sister.

"Dude, let it go. Your sister can date whoever she wants. Besides her boyfriend isn't someone like you. ," Cole tells me.

"Hey, that still doesn't mean I can't look out for her!" I argue, I'm getting off topic... "Are you guys gonna help me or not?"

"Fine. But we have to tape it when we get back to the dorm for our fans. It's only been 6 months and we're getting more popular with each song." Cole states, nodding over to Leaf who is currently talking to Misty about I dunno, what girls talk about(?).

"Alright, fine." I agree before talking in a louder voice, clapping my hands together to get the girls' attention. "We're gonna sing a song to a brunette wearing a hat, due to a dare. PokéKnights, let's do this!"

Cole: You got that something custom tailored for me,

I wanna try you on and wear you all day,

You got that something something serve it to me,

I'll give you five stars so give me a test,

Gary: I need some more of you,

Don't keep me waiting now,

I got it bad for you,

Ash: All I wanna do,

Is get you all alone,

Can I hold you close,

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