A bit of Drama and A Secret Revealed!

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~May's POV~

"So how exactly did you three crash?" I ask Misty, How are you able to crash on a Charizard?

"Well... Ash offered me to be th first one on his Charizard, I thought he was being a gentleman. It turns out he was going to go second instead of letting Richie be second, so I told Ash he has to be the last one to get on. He was trying to push Richie off for some reason after they were done having a little argument, so with us having to hold onto each other, he was also pushing me off as well since Richie was holding onto me tightly. And, you can figure out the rest," Misty finishes off, folding her arms behind her head, her Togepi asleep in her bag.

"Hey, we're here... What should we get?" I ask, walking over to a nearby jewelry store. Misty follows me, "Let's go in here, there might be something we can wear..." I trail off, a necklace catching my eye, I walk closer to it, looking at it carefully, Where have I seen this before?..

You haven't... I have...

Stop scaring me like that! How about you talk when needed and in my sleep? Got it?



I look around to see Misty in a different section of the store, examing some bracelets. I look back at the necklace, carefully looking over every detail.

It's a sapphire locket with a gold chain, the sapphire stone shining brightly at me, the gold chain gleaming, small crystal roses surrounding the stone. I hear footsteps behind me, I look behind to find Misty there, looking at the locket next to it; a gold chain attached to a citrine gem in the center, surrounded by magnificent blue gems.

"May, I found a store near here that sells great clothes from what I've heard around here! C'mon, let's go!" She shouts, pulling me away from the two necklaces.

\\Ze Time Skip//

"Misty, hurry up, I wanna see how you look!" I complain, crossing my arms over my chest and lean on a clothing rack. The door finally opens, Misty exits out of the changing room.

"I like this one, how 'bout you? I want to wear something similar to what I usually wear but not too different," She states, spinning in a circle to show off her desired outfit.

"Trying to impress someone, aye Misty?" I ask, smiling once Misty blushes. She heads back into the dressing room and changes twenty times quicker than she did earlier, coming out with a pair of matching shoes in one hand and the other her new outfit.

"Enough about me, missy! You still have to choose your outfit! Now let's go look for one!" She states rather loudly, earning some stares from people near us.

I look through the racks filled with colorful clothing, spotting a particular set of clothing, yelling at Misty over my shoulder, "I found something, be right back!"

I quickly change, hearing footsteps near the room I'm in, Probably Misty. I take a look at myself in the mirror, having more confidence in how I look after that sleepover with E and Bella.

"How do I look?" I ask, stepping out of the dressing room, spinning around just like Misty had done, eyes closed.

"May?" I stop and open my eyes, seeing someone standing there. And it's not Misty.

"MISTY!!!!!" I yell at the top of my lungs, backing away from the guy, clutching onto my fanny pack. I close the door and take out a certain pokéball: Squirtle's. "Squirtle, come out in stealth!" I whisper-shout, letting out the water type, catching him in my arms.

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