The Sleepover (Part Two) The Dare

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Sleepover (Part Two) The Dare

[Dedicated to Shinxy_ for being the first to read/vote/comment on my story. I didn't think anybody would read this or even like it, so thank you!(^°^)/]



Okay, the dare is to sneak into Drew's room and complete some... Tasks. I snicker at what Bella and I are dared to do. Oh Drew, you messed with the wrong girls!

I twist the knob of his suite, It's unlocked? I open it slowly, peeking inside to find it completely dark, I glance over my shoulder and nod to Bella, giving her the signal. Bella passes in front of me and I follow her, both of us moving with stealth. We find our way to his room, I turn the knob slowly, pushing the door open and see it completely dark with a figure on the bed.

"Okay, you do your half of the dare while I do mine,"Bella whispers to me, I nod in response and make my way towards the drawers and closet, being careful not to step on anything that might make a noise to wake Drew up.

I open the drawers and grab one pair of his clothes, taking them to Bella whom was getting out her Kit of Dares. Something she always keeps with her whenever there might be sleepover with a chance of dares and has supplies packed up of needed.

She hands me my tube of red lip gloss I left at the suite, I give her a confused look and she mouths out 'just put some on', I do as told and she then takes out a piece of cardboard, pressing it onto my mouth for a few seconds before placing it in a small machine which lits up a few times, the lipas completely removed.

She takes out about ten copies of the lip gloss I wore, all wrapped in plastic against thin cardboard. She unwraps them and sticks the copies onto Drew's clothes, the top part actually, I help her in the process. She has about five more left but tucks them away in her pajama pockets, I shrug this off.

I grab all but one of his clothes, blindly throwing them around, running around, my feet softly padding against the floor. I smile at the mess, I whisper to Bella, "I'll leave now." Bella grabs me by the wrist as I'm walking past Drew, I look back, shocked.

"First, put this on again." She hands me my tube of lip gloss again, I take it, putting some on again.

"Okay, now that that's over with, I gotta-!" I start, walking backwards, I trip and fall towards Drew, I land next to him, I blush. He suddenly wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me close, burying his face in my hair. My eyes widen, my face heating up, heart racing as I realize what's happening, he murmurs something I can't understand. A bright white flash appears, when it's gone Bella is there her hands behind her back, smiling sweetly at me."Can you please help me!"I whisper-shout at Bella.

She nods, still smiling, as she manages to sneak me out of Drew's grasp, I smiel in relief, I point towards the door and to myself,"Go on ahead, I'll finish my half," Bella tells me, winking at me. I nod back, I wonder...


May leaves, I smile and open my kit, taking out the perfume she wears, Hope May doesn't notice it's gone...

~With May~

"Are you sure? I know left it here, help me look for it, please,"May pleads, searching for her perfume, it was brand new, the same perfume she always wore but at some point it ran out, she'd buy a new one but it'd last her half a year, now it's lost.

"Okay but ya owe me one, May," E states, pretending to look with her too, smirking to herself because she new where it was.

~Back With Bella~

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