Let the Game Begin!>:3

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~????'s POV~

"So they're having a sleepover, aye?" I ask, smirking in the looming shadows. I chuckle, placing a hand on my chin, stroking my invisible beard, overlooking the mansion.

"Yeah. So what're we gonna do?" A deep voice asks, belonging to a guy with purple hair and a dark purple cloak. I rest my foot on the edge of the brick railing on the top of the building, placing my elbow on my knee and turning to meet his pitch black eyes.

"What do you mean?" I ask, acting as though I have no clue what he's talking about. He closes his eyes, resting on the wall of the building, as if to sgow it wasn't worth standing for.

"It's obvious that you're gonna try something... So, wanna let us in on that plan of yours?" He asks in more of a statement.

"Sure thing, but first... We need to grab some stuff," I reply, slipping my hands into the pockets of my dark green cloak lined with golden thread.

_Elize's POV_

I sit down on the white egg-shaped spinny chair hanging in my room, slapping my hands on my lap impatiently, wondering when they were gonna come. I pick up a random candy bowl filled to the brim of its shape lying around on my desk. I pop one in my mouth, tasting the sweeteness of the strawberry candy covered in a thick layer of sugar.

"Done!" May emerges from my bathroom, allowing an equally impatient Dawn to rush in with her pink clothing folded neatly in her hands. May twirls around, her arms up, showing off the long red night shirt top that reaches down to her knees, covering her navy blue shorts.

"Wow May, you look amazing!" I exclaim, grinning at her. "I know what we can do while we wait!" I say, snapping my fingers once the idea strikes my mind. "Dawn," I yell, cupping my hands over my mouth, making sure she hears me, "We'll be at the screening room, it's down two halls and to the fifth door on your left! We're gonna pick a movie so come and join us when you're done!"

"But don't Misty amd Leaf have to change?" Misty whispers.

"Nope! We had changed in half the time you took May." Misty claims proudly, making my laugh lightly, seeing how May must've been deciding what to wear with what.

"Dawn, don't overdo the whole dressing thing, just wear something comfy!.. And NO make-up!" I yell over my shoulder, clasping my hands with Misty, May, and Leaf's, leading them to the screening room.

~Several Minutes Later~

"I wanna watch The Underwater Sea Kingdom," Misty protests, holding out a thin plastic rectangular container holding the disc of the movie she wants to watch, shoving it in our faces. It has an image of water pokémon from an underwater angle. I push the plastic away from my face, taking out a movie of my own from my family's collection.

"Well I say we watch some action so let's go with-" My argument is cut off by Leaf who sticks out another movie.

"How 'bout A Forest of Secrets?" Leaf asks, the cover showing a girl in green clothing hiking up to a forest, a sort of dark aurora behind her and a light glowing in the forest.

"Hey, why are you guys arguing? I could here you all the way from Elize's room," Dawn claims, walking in wearing a light pink tank top and bright pink sweats, each with a Buneary design imprinted on a side.

"We're trying to pick a movie and can't exactly decide," I sigh, swinging my legs onto the arm of the seat I'm sitting on. "We all have different choices in watching..."

"Well, how about we watch Life In Moonlit Castle? It's about this girl who's a princess and has a best friend whose family works for the royal family, she has a lot of drama going on in her life after encountering these two guys, an Altaria, and a weird tree. She meets these two guys, one falls for her while the other falls for her best friend, but she falls for the guy who fell for her best friend who turns out to be a prince. Okay, so, the princess's name is Dilana and her best friend is called Kaitlyn, the prince is called Myer and the guy who fell for Kaitlyn doesn't know that and still ends up falling for the guy who fell for the Dilana-"

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