Saved By a Grasshead!

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~May's POV~

I open my eyes to the sound of rain from outside, I quickly sit up straight, startled by the noise. I relax once I realize its the rain, closing my eyes I listen to the soft noise, smiling."May? It's raining outside! It's raining hard!" Misty panics, shaking me by the shoulders, causing me to open my eyes.

"Hm?.. Oh, yeah, I know..."Is my only response before I close my eyes again.

"No, May, I mean it's raining extremely hard! Take a look outside!" I sigh, opening one part of the curtains, It can't be raining that hard... Can-?

As soon as I lift up one corner of a curtain, I'm splashed with cold water an hit on the head with ice. I let go of the curtain, falling backwards, clutching my head."Okay, it's hailing and we're outside in a soggy tent... Where are we gonna go?" I ask, noticing the tent lowering slightly, panic beginning to fill me up. "Gather up your stuff, we need to spend the night someplace and sleeping out here is not an option!"

We quickly pack our stuff up, Misty shoving her Togepi in her red backpack. "Where are we supposed to go? It's hailing outside, the rain is mixed in with that and the wind is only making things worse!" Misty exclaims, her Togepi popping its little head out of Misty's bag. I rack my brain for a possible placewe can stay, Um...Uh... Oh, I know! The Pokémon Center! "May, how are we gonna get outta here?!"

"We have to get to the Pokémon Center! There won't be any rooms available for us to use but we can stay there overnight in the waiting room! The only thing is... I don't know how we're supposed to get there!" I explain to Misty, one eye squeezed shut from the cold entering from the now open, shaking tent, one hand holding my bandana so the wind doesn't blow it off.

"Well don't you have any fire types?" Misty yells over the fierce winds blowing, catching her Togepi who managed to get blown by the winds.

"Well, yeah, I do but they won't be able to help in this weather!" I yell back, my feet sliding a bit against the now muddy ground, trying to keep myself standing.

"May! THERE'S A HUGE HAIL COMING RIGHT AT US!" I look in the direction she's pointing at, seeing there's a giant hail falling towards us, its size as big as a Snorlax. My eyes widen, You must do something! Not stand there waiting for it to hit you!

"Flygon, use flamethrower!" A voice yells, fire stopping the hail temporarily, long enough for me to pull Misty out of her shocked trance and pull her to the Pokémon Center. Misty returns to ger senses and runs towards tge Pokémon Center once hail begins to smack her, leaving me behind.

I suddenly slip on some mud, twisting my ankle, the flamethrower stops, the hail a bit smaller but continues to fall, now directed to where I am."Ah!"


A/N: Well, that's done!

End of story!

No more!




^-^ I hope you enjoyed and hope you're having a wonderful day!

Anyway, to sum things up, this'll end up this way and you guys will nevah know what happened!

Anywho, please comment on how you like this ending, vote if want to, remember that I don't own Pokémon because if I did, Drew would have confessed and Ash would've aged.

Also, May and Drew would've spent the test if their lives together, plus Ash and Misty and Gary and Leaf would've been a couple where the girl gets to beat tge guy up anytime they want, also goes for Contestshipping and Pokeshipping.

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